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Patients on the Marshall ProtocolA curative medical treatment for chronic inflammatory disease. Based on the Marshall Pathogenesis. (MP) must not consume vitamin D. Unfortunately, a number of foods high in calcium, including milk, are often supplemented with vitamin D or folic acid.

Foods high in calcium

For patients concerned about not consuming the Recommended Daily Allowance for calcium, there are these options.1) If item is in italics, MP patients should check the label for vitamin D.

Calcium content of food
yogurt, 1 cup 200-415 mg
buttermilk, 1 cup 300 mg
cheese, 1 ounce 175-250 mg
cottage cheese, 1/2 cup 60-100 mg
parmesan cheese 1 tablespoon 40-60 mg
turnip greens, cooked 1 cup 200 mg
bok choy, cooked 1 cup 160 mg
mustard greens, cooked 1 cup 105 mg
broccoli, cooked 1 cup 70 mg
broccoli, raw 1 cup 40 mg
molasses, blackstrap 1 tablespoon 170 mg
egg substitute, 1/2 cup 130 mg
baked beans, 1 cup 130 mg
other beans, canned 1/2 cup 40-60 mg
blackeyed peas, boiled 1 cup 211 mg
peas, green, boiled 1 cup 94 mg
almonds, 1 ounce (24 nuts) 80 mg
figs, dried 5 135 mg
papaya 1 raw 75 mg
raisins, golden 2/3 cup 50 mg
orange, 1 medium 50-70 mg

Other good options include:

Note that certain green vegetables are less-effective sources of calcium. While their calcium content is high, their fiber and oxalic acid content interferes with the absorption of calcium.

Based on the best current evidence, it is unwise to consume (through food or supplements) the recommended maximum of calcium. Calcium supplements have been linked to an increased risk for cardiovascular events, vascular calcification, and kidney stones in the Women's Health Initiative Calcium/Vitamin D Supplementation Study. More recently, a large prospective study from Sweden published in the British Medical Journal2) indicates that even when it comes to bone health, more is not better for calcium intake.

The Institute of Medicine (IOM) released dietary guidelines for calcium early in 2011, and the recommended dietary allowance (RDA) for calcium from a combination of diet plus supplements was set at 1000 mg a day for adult women until age 50 years and 1200 mg a day for women older than 50 years of age. The IOM also set a tolerable upper intake level of about 2000 mg a day for women in these age groups because of some concern about kidney stones and other health risks when calcium intake is very high.

If you need a calcium supplement

A number of brands list calcium without vitamin D, but it is possible that some have unlabelled vitamin D. The primary ways to ensure the supplement is D-free is by using brands other MP members have used without a rise in their 25-DThe vitamin D metabolite widely (and erroneously) considered best indicator of vitamin D "deficiency." Inactivates the Vitamin D Nuclear Receptor. Produced by hydroxylation of vitamin D3 in the liver. and to also monitor your own 25-D after beginning the supplement. One brand a number of patients use is Solgar Chelated calcium available from various online sources such as and health food stores. Other patients find they tolerate Trader Joe's Calcium/magnesium/zinc better. They do have one without vitamin D.

Note that calcium supplements may interact with various other non-MP medications including fluoroquinolones, beta blockers, calcium channel blockers, digoxin and furosemide.

Dividing dosages

Do not consume more than 500 mg of calcium at any one time (i.e., take in divided doses). When eating a meal with food containing significant amounts of calcium (e.g., cheese or yogurt), decrease the amount of calcium supplement you take so you do not go over 500 mg at that meal.

Avoid taking calcium supplement or foods high in calcium with minocycline

Calcium can interfere with the body's ability to absorb tetracycline medications such as minocycline and demeclocyline and, therefore, diminish their effectiveness. Any calcium containing supplements or antacids should be taken at least two hours before or after taking these drugs.

Taking minocycline with dairy products may alter its absorption. Take this into consideration only if you need to eliminate any variable that might be affecting immunopathologyA temporary increase in disease symptoms experienced by Marshall Protocol patients that results from the release of cytokines and endotoxins as disease-causing bacteria are killed.. In that case, take your minocycline dose one hour before or two hours after consuming dairy products or other foods high in calcium. Otherwise, it is okay to take minocycline with food.

Possible increase in symptoms from calcium intake

Several patients and physicians have reported that when patients with low levels of calcium begin to consume the recommended daily intake, they have an increase in symptoms. In the absence of more evidence, it would be difficult to characterize the exact nature of this reaction for certain, however, a 2001 study in mice showed that when mice with low levels of calcium were given supplemental calcium, they had a stronger immune response.3)

In cases where patients experience a strong immune response after taking calcium, the dosage can be lowered to the level the patient tolerates and it can be increased later, as tolerated. It may also be worthwhile trying a different calcium source, in case the reaction is a sensitivity to the particular food or supplement.

If one becomes constipated, it may be helpful to take magnesium to counter balance the constipating effect of the calcium. The less well-absorbed types will be more effective for relieving constipation (e.g., Milk of Magnesia or magnesium oxide, like Twin Labs Magnesium Caps). But if the level of intake is high enough, other types may also work to counter constipation too, if the other forms are not tolerated (e.g., Solgar chelated magnesium).

Ian Reid and Mark Bolland, researchers at the University of Auckland in New Zealand, said: “The evidence is also becoming steadily stronger that it is not safe, nor is it particularly effective. Therefore, the administration of this micro nutrient should not be encouraged; rather people should be advised to obtain their calcium intake from an appropriately balanced diet. We should return to seeing calcium as an important component of a balanced diet and not as a low cost panacea to the universal problem of postmenopausal bone loss.

Ian Reid and Mark Bolland, researchers at the University of Auckland in New Zealand. 4) 5) 6)


Tetra handsets (used by some emergency services and some private companies) are hazardous by causing neurophysiological problems to some people. This stems from the loss of calcium from cell membranes

Put simply, if calcium is lost from cell membranes, the cells can lose their ability to function and can make the cell more permeable to allergens, toxins and carcinogens. Dr Andrew Goldsworthy, Lecturer in Biology at Imperial College, London.

Calcium in the wrong place

from Wikipedia on calcification:- Intake of excessive vitamin D can cause vitamin D poisoning and excessive intake of calcium from the intestine, when accompanied by a deficiency of vitamin K (perhaps induced by an anticoagulant) can result in calcification of arteries and other soft tissue.

Such metastatic soft tissue calcification is mainly in tissues containing “calcium catchers” such as elastic fibres or sour mucopolysaccharides. These tissues especially include the lungs (pumice lung) and the aorta.[5]

In a number of breast pathologies, calcium is often deposited at sites of cell death or in association secretions or hyalinized stroma, resulting in pathologic calcification.

Calcification can occur in dead or degenerated tissue.

2000 “growth and vitamin D treatment enhance the extent of artery calcification in rats given sufficient doses of Warfarin to inhibit γ-carboxylation of matrix Gla protein, a calcification inhibitor known to be expressed by smooth muscle cells and macrophages in the artery wall. 7)

1998 “improved warfarin plus vitamin K treatment protocol developed in this study should provide a useful model to investigate the role of MGP in preventing calcification of arteries and heart valves.” 8)

2015 Matrix Gla-protein (MGP) regulates calcification9)

Dr Blaney's 2010 presentation refers to reversal of carotid artery calcification from long term high dose OlmesartanMedication taken regularly by patients on the Marshall Protocol for its ability to activate the Vitamin D Receptor. Also known by the trade name Benicar. .

===== Notes and comments =====

Sallie Q 08.25.2017 removed

dietary guidelines may interact

“Ian Reid and Mark Bolland, researchers at the University of Auckland in New Zealand, said: “The evidence is also becoming steadily stronger that it is not safe, nor is it particularly effective. Therefore, the administration of this micro nutrient should not be encouraged; rather people should be advised to obtain their calcium intake from an appropriately balanced diet. We should return to seeing calcium as an important component of a balanced diet and not as a low cost panacea to the universal problem of postmenopausal bone loss.” 26420387


“Dr Carrie Ruxton, from The Health Supplements Information Service, said: “Osteoporosis is a real issue for women and it is irresponsible for scientists to advise that women cut out calcium supplements on the basis of one flawed survey, particularly when the link between calcium, vitamin D and bone health is endorsed by the European Food Safety Authority.”


Discussion about possible factors in milk sensitivities and thoughts that use of cheese from goats or sheep could be a possible dietary source of calcium for those affected a while back … maybe there is a place in this article to mention this. Is there an article on managing food sensitivities in the KB?

I think this discussion is a good one:

In essence, I agree that the jury is still out, but if you feel better avoiding A1 (like by sticking to sheep/goat products and whey products), then that is all one really needs to know – and one can choose to adjust one diet if one wants while waiting for more evidence.

and here is a quote from it:

Any dairy products from cows (with the exception of a few rare breeds) that contains protein will contain A1 casein unless it's only whey (e.g. ricotta, whey protein etc). Butter contains trace amounts, cream contains a couple of grams per 100, sour cream is the same as cream (depending on how heavy it was originally). This is pretty exhaustive (…).Goats and sheep are both fine. There's no hard data on how serious the problems are because they vary person to person, just like all dairy intolerances. – David Moss Feb 16 2010 at 16:24

For more Paleo Diet hacks: A1 vs A2 casein -

PS also, the A2 site discusses the role of individual variation in enzymes that break down these proteins – and enzymes could be affected by bacterial damage to gut – so if we control the bacteria, perhaps people who couldn't tolerate it would be able to – so avoiding A1 for some might be a palliative step until they get well.

I was thinking too, for someone who was having trouble with dairy and wasn't getting enough calcium (and didn't want to take supplements), they might consider sheep or goat milk products. One wouldn't even need to mention the a1 vs a2 issue, since that is complicated and controversial.

===== References =====

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