
Loss of appetite and nausea

One common symptom complaint of patients with chronic diseases is loss of appetite and nausea. Indeed, anorexia itself is thought to be caused by chronic microbes. As is the case with other symptoms, loss of appetite may increase during immunopathologyA temporary increase in disease symptoms experienced by Marshall Protocol patients that results from the release of cytokines and endotoxins as disease-causing bacteria are killed. for those patients who already have that tendency or if gastrointestinal problems or food sensitivities are a issue. Patients with loss of appetite or nausea should strive to maintain weight, if at all possible. Undesirable weight loss seems to be more common in earlier stages of the Marshall Protocol.


In addition to more generic methods for managing immunopathology, the following strategies may also help:

  • Reduce the amount of physical activity or exercise, which will limit the number of calories burned.
  • If nausea is preventing a patient from eating, it's very important to palliate the nausea. Over the counter medications such as Gravol (dramamine) might do the trick. If not, patients should ask their doctor for a prescription antiemetic. Other examples include Phenergan (promethazine), Compazine (prochlorperazine), Kytril (granisetron), Zofran (ondansetron), Reglan, (metoclopramide), and Ativan (lorazepam).
  • Some patients have reported that Sea-Bands have helped their nausea. Sea-Bands can usually be bought in pharmacies.
  • Check any medications you are taking for palliative reasons, especially pain medications to see if nausea is a side effect. Most medications can be taken sublingually if nausea prevents them from being taken orally.
  • Avoid foods that seem to be causing nausea. Common culprits include foods that are greasy, fatty, fried, spicy, or foods with lots of fiber (bran, raw vegetables, fresh fruits, high fiber vegetables such as broccoli, corn, beans, cabbage, peas, cauliflower), whole grain cereals and bread. Problematic drinks include coffee, caffeinated drinks, alcohol and acidic drinks (orange or grapefruit juice).
  • Try eating small and frequent bland foods.
  • Taking medications on an empty stomach may be a trigger; it is okay to take your MP medications with food. Their action may be delayed but its effectiveness will not be reduced.
  • Most other medications can be taken sublingually if nausea prevents them from being taken orally.

Maintaining or gaining weight

Patients on the MP who are in danger of losing weight are advised to eat high calorie foods to help them gain weight.

Other tips:

  • Patients who need help preparing food should ask for help.
  • Eat on a regular schedule, eating up to six meals per day. Consider food as important as a medication.

Maintaining hydration

Maintaining adequate hydration may help to keep symptoms tolerable. The following liquids may be tolerated:

  • water
  • popsicles
  • apple juice
  • decaffeinated Coke
  • clear soup/broth
  • Jello
  • weak herbal tea
  • Kool-Aid

Once clear liquids are tolerated with no further vomiting or diarrhea, gradually add solid foods like rice, applesauce, bananas, toast/crackers without butter, and plain pasta. If these foods are tolerated without the return of symptoms, continue to add bland, low-fat foods such as baked potatoes and white chicken meat.

When to seek medical attention

Patients should seek medical attention under the following circumstances:

  • If you have been vomiting several times a day for more than two consecutive days or 3 times an hour for more than 8 hours, you may already be dangerously dehydrated. Dehydration can occur in one day if there is serious vomiting and diarrhea. If you are too lethargic to go to the bathroom by yourself, seek immediate medical attention.
  • There is blood or coffee grounds-like material in the vomit.
  • You cannot keep any food or liquids down.
  • You are vomiting and you lose more than 2 pounds a day.
  • Your urine is dark yellow and you are not going to the bathroom as often as you usually do.
  • You cannot keep your nausea medication down.

Please consult your doctor if you are using aspirin in any form. Aspirin is contraindicated with any bleeding because it prolongs bleeding time.

Patients experiences

Another thing to try is licorice Altoids I know they helped my dad when he was having terrible nausea from his chemo treatments for cancer. He was an MD, so he had access to pretty much anything he needed - and he chose the Altoids!

Knochen, MarshallProtocol.com

Just a note to tell how I solved my nausea. I was taking my Benicar first thing after rising in the morning, on a completely empty stomach, then waiting 90 minutes for it to digest. This gave me bad nausea. I noticed that I did not get the nausea the rest of the time, after I had my first meal of the day. I changed my schedule so that I ate first thing in the morning, and then took the Benicar halfway between meals the rest of the day. This worked great!. Be sure to allow at least 2 to 3 hours after meals –I allow 3 hours except when my hypoglycemia kicks in, then I wait 2 hours. The pill I take during the middle of the night doesn't seem to bother me since I have my last meal about 3 hours or so before going to bed. I take my last pill just before bedtime.

Nell C., MarshallProtocol.com

===== Notes and comments =====

* second paragraph could mention Sea-Bands as a non-drug palliative for nausea. — Julia 2009/02/23 06:19

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