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home:arf [05.24.2013] – [People] paulalberthome:arf [07.04.2022] (current) – external edit
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 ====== Autoimmunity Research Foundation ====== ====== Autoimmunity Research Foundation ======
-<columns 100% 50% 1% 49% -> +The [[https://autoimmunityresearch.org|Autoimmunity Research Foundation]] is a California-based non-profit organization formed to conduct scientific research into the cause and cure of autoimmune and other chronic non-autoimmune diseasesand to instruct the public on subjects related to diseaseuseful to individuals and beneficial to the community
- +  * [[https://autoimmunityresearch.org/vision/about/|About the Foundation]] 
-===== About the Foundation ===== +  * [[https://www.youtube.com/user/DrTrevorMarshall?feature=watch/|Video Resources]]
- +
-Autoimmunity Research Foundation is a California-based non-profit organization formed to educate the public about the nature of, and study a treatment for, chronic inflammatory disease. +
-  * [[home:publications|Publications & Presentations]] +
-  * [[home:arf:timeline|History & Timeline]] +
- +
- +
-===== People ===== +
- +
- +
-<html></p><img src="/_media/home/arf/trevormed.jpg" class="medialeft" align="left" title="trevormed.jpg" alt="trevormed.jpg" style="margin: 4px 15px 8px 0px !important;" /></html> **Trevor Marshall, PhD** – Marshall has advanced both a pathogenesis of and treatment for many chronic inflammatory autoimmune diseases and many cancers. According to Marshall, these diseases are caused by a variety of bacterial forms including L-form bacteria and biofilm bacteria, which persist and grow in number by interfering with the proper functioning of the innate immune response. [[home:arf:people|Read more....]] +
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-  * [[home:arf:people|Complete List of People]] +
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-===== People ===== +
- +
-{{:home:arf:trevormed.jpg?nolink }} **Trevor MarshallPhD** – Marshall has advanced both a pathogenesis of and treatment for many chronic inflammatory autoimmune diseases and many cancers. According to Marshall, these diseases are caused by a variety of bacterial forms including L-form bacteria and biofilm bacteria, which persist and grow in number by interfering with the proper functioning of the innate immune response[[home:arf:people|Read more....]] +
- +
-  * [[home:arf:people|Complete List of People]] +
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-===== Donate ===== +
- +
-Autoimmunity Research Inc is a California non-profit organization registered under 501(c)3 of the IRS tax code. Donations help with research and outreach. [[home:arf:donate|Learn more]] about donating. +
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-===== Recent Presentation ===== +
- +
-In this [[home:publications:proal_ica_2009|2009 Beijing presentation]] at International Congress on Antibodies, Amy Proal presents on how metagenomics is causing us to rethink the antibody. +
- +
-{{youtube>SGe9UTQJdHM}} +
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-===== Media Coverage & Press Releases ===== +
- +
-  * **October 2009** – Proal //et al.// 2009 //Autoimmunity Review// [[home:publications:proal_autoimmunity_reviews_2009#appraisal_by_faculty_of_1000|rated "must read"]] by prestigious literary awareness group "Faculty of 1000" +
-  * [[home:arf:media|All media coverage]] +
-  * [[home:arf:press_releases|All press releases]] +
- +
home/arf.txt · Last modified: 07.04.2022 by
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