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Non-MP antibacterials

Related articles: "Allergies" to MP antibiotics

The antibiotics which may be used for periods of time with the Marshall ProtocolA curative medical treatment for chronic inflammatory disease. Based on the Marshall Pathogenesis. (MP) have been carefully selected for their effectiveness and safety. A number of other antibacterials have been proposed in the treatment of chronic disease. Some of these such as high-dose doxycycline fail to target all the bacteria responsible for the Th1 diseasesThe chronic inflammatory diseases caused by bacterial pathogens.. Others such as ceftriaxone (Rocephin) exert a short-term immunosuppressive effect and actually contribute to the growth of the very bacterial forms the MP attempts to eradicate.

For reasons ranging from prophylaxis to acute infections, Marshall Protocol (MP) are sometimes advised to take an antibiotic different from the ones used on the MP. Under special circumstances, MP patients may use a fluoroquinolone antibiotic, a relatively safe class of drugs that appears to be well-tolerated.

Antibiotics that are okay under special circumstances

For reasons ranging from prophylaxis to acute infections, Marshall Protocol (MP) are sometimes advised to take an antibiotic different from the ones used on the MP.


The fluoroquinolones are a family of synthetic broad-spectrum antibiotics, which eradicate bacteria by interfering with DNA replication. However, the fluoroquinolones are relatively ineffective against intracellular pathogens.

Fluoroquinolones can be used as an acute-phase antibiotic for patients on the Marshall Protocol because they produce little or no immunopathology.


Antibacterials to avoid

The following antibacterials have been excluded by the MP.


It may cause internal bleeding. One death has been reported during its use


Main article: Methotrexate

Methotrexate (MTX) and sulfasalazine are antimetabolite antibiotics with actions similar to Bactrim DS (an MP antibiotic) in that they interferes with bacteria's ability to synthesize folate. MP patients taking MTX or sulfasalazine must discontinue those medications.


Main article: Beta-lactam antibiotics

The Beta-lactam antibiotics are a broad class of antibiotics that includes the penicillins and the cephalosporins. Ceftriaxone (Rocephin), a cephalosporin, is sometimes given intravenously to patients with Lyme disease.

The Beta-lactams are ineffective against the pathogens which cause chronic disease as they can't enter into human cells,1) but perhaps more importantly actually foster the growth of L-form bacteriaDifficult-to-culture bacteria that lack a cell wall and are not detectable by traditional culturing processes. Sometimes referred to as cell wall deficient bacteria..

Patients who are offered penicillin antibiotics to treat strep or other acute infections should ask for an alternative such as claforan (Cefotaxime).



Main article: Doxycycline

Related article: High-dose antibiotics

A member of the tetracycline family of antibiotics, doxycycline is used against a variety of inflammatory conditions including Lyme disease, rheumatoid arthritis, multiple sclerosis, and cystic fibrosis. Although the MP antibiotic minocycline is also a tetracycline, doxycycline and minocycline are significantly different from each other – both in terms of structure and function.

Doxycycline's effectiveness over short periods of time is due in part to the relatively high doses at which it is typically administered: 200 mg per day.


Hydroxychloroquine (Plaquenil)

Hydroxychloroquine (Plaquenil) is an anti-malarial medication used for a variety of inflammatory diseases including systemic lupus erythematosus as well as rheumatoid arthritis and Sjogren's Syndrome. Long term use of hydroxychloroquine is contraindicated for Marshall Protocol patients for several reasons.



Flagyl is an enigma. Everybody uses it, yet nobody seems to really know how it works.

I had one mother call me after her daughter was paralyzed down the left side of her body for a month after being given Flagyl. I wish that medical science knew more about this drug.

Trevor Marshall, PhD

Curative treatments must generate immunopathology

High-dose antibiotics

Related article: Pulsed low-dose antibiotics

A high-dose antibiotic therapy is any treatment which uses antibiotics at a large enough dose that the immune response is suppressed more than it is not.

Antibiotic protocols and treatments other than the Marshall Protocol have been widely prescribed for certain Th1 diseasesThe chronic inflammatory diseases caused by bacterial pathogens. including rheumatoid arthritis and Lyme disease. However, the evidence for these treatments' efficacy is limited to short-term improvement and patients tend to relapse.

Although the Th1 diseases are caused by bacterial pathogens, these alternatives to the Marshall Protocol are ineffective for at least several reasons. For one, antibiotics given in high enough doses interfere with immune activity. With a weakened inflammatory response, a patient's symptoms may temporarily improve, but not because the pathogenic bacteria which drive the Th1 diseases have been eradicated.

Also, these protocols do not use olmesartan (Benicar) to activate the Vitamin D Receptor. Protocols which do not generate sustained immunopathology are ultimately not effective against the Th1 diseases.


Notes and comments


Thwaites GE, Gant V. Are bloodstream leukocytes Trojan Horses for the metastasis of Staphylococcus aureus?. Nat Rev Microbiol. 2011 Mar;9(3):215-22. doi: 10.1038/nrmicro2508. Epub 2011 Feb 7.
[PMID: 21297670] [DOI: 10.1038/nrmicro2508]
home/othertreatments/antibacterials.1455225125.txt.gz · Last modified: 02.11.2016 by sallieq
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