In the September 2009 edition of the Annals of the New York Academy of the Sciences, a study was published that had evaluated, “… the potential role infections may have on the pathogenesis of systemic scleroderma.” In this study, researchers studied serological samples taken from eighty patients of European origin with the disease (as compared to two-hundred and ninety-six healthy controls) to assess the presence of antibodies for a number of infectious agents, including, “… hepatitis B virus, hepatitis C virus, toxoplasmosis, rubella, CMV, EBV, and Treponema pallidum.” Data collected from the study revealed, “… that antibodies against CMV, HBV, and toxoplasmosis were detected more often in patients with SSc.“ Study authors concluded, “This association implies that infectious agents may have a role in disease pathogenesis and expression.”
Hypodermitis sclerodermiformis. Successful treatment with ultrasound. 1)
Bacterial Infection as the Cause of Scleroderma:
Dr. Cantwell reported finding pleomorphic bacteria in the skin of scleroderma patients over 20 years ago. 2)
Member joanbpass: Scleroderma: Assessing my improvements
Assessment and management of patients with juvenile localised scleroderma 3)
Intriguing Relationships Between Cancer and Systemic Sclerosis: Role of the Immune System and Other Contributors. 4)
Autologous Stem-Cell Transplantation for Severe Scleroderma.5)
Position Statement from the American Society for Blood and Marrow Transplantation 6)
Short-term progression of interstitial lung disease in systemic sclerosis predicts long-term survival 7)
There are many factors to be taken under consideration with SSc onset, although a strong correlation has been established for only a few. The most distinct factors are: crystalline silica and organic solvents (such as white spirit, aromatic, aliphatic-chain, chlorinated solvents, ketones, welding fumes). For other factors, which include abstestos, air pollution, other chemicals, silicone breast implants, tobacco smoking, drug reactions, diet influence and exposure to heavy metals, the jury is still out, and their position in SSc onset needs further studies. 8)
Data suggest naltrexone could be helpful in the treatment of pruritus and a variety of inflammatory and acantholytic skin diseases refractory to other treatments. At higher doses, liver function tests should be monitored on a periodic basis.9)
Genetic overlap “we performed a cross-disease meta-analysis of Immunochip data from 37,159 patients diagnosed with a seropositive autoimmune disease (11,489 celiac disease (CeD), 15,523 rheumatoid arthritis (RA), 3477 systemic sclerosis (SSc), and 6670 type 1 diabetes (T1D)) and 22,308 healthy controls of European origin using the R package ASSET.” 10)
To determine whether lung involvement is related to microvascular perturbations, nailfold videocapillaroscopy (NVC) was performed in patients with systemic sclerosis. A good correlation was observed between distinctive quantitative and qualitative NVC features with lung functional parameters such as FVC and DLCO. It is suggested that vasculopathy could play a role 11)
The association between cocaine abuse and systemic sclerosis (SSc) is rarely described. a 27 year-old male patient presented limited SSc with skin ulcers and digital gangrene, rapidly evolving to death due to massive intestinal hemorrhage. 12)
Assessment of associations of nailfold videocapillaroscopy (NVC) scleroderma patterns ('early', 'active' and 'late') with future severe clinical involvement in a systemic sclerosis (SSc) population. 13)
This capillaroscopic score may represent a feasible and simple tool in SSc patients' assessment. The routinely use of this parameter might permit to recognize and to preventively treat SSc patients at high risk to develop digital ulcers. 14)
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