Sugars profoundly affect the immune system and the pancreas. Marshall Protocol (MP) patients should try to minimize consumption of all sugars. Due to its safety profiles, stevia seem to be the best choices for MP patients to use. Consumption of foods and drinks containing aspartame (NutraSweet, Equal) is discouraged.
Aspartame is the substance name for the sugar substitutes marketed as Equal and NutraSweet.
Certain recent human epidemiological studies (a type of study which has certain inherent flaws) have not shown a link between consumption of aspartame and incidence of cancer, which is only one type of undesirable side effect. Animal studies have been more conclusive.
Researchers at the National Institute of Environmental Health Sciences argued in a 2007 editorial1) that the FDA should “reevaluate its position on aspartame as being safe under all conditions,” arguing “animal bioassay results predict human cancer risks, and a recent animal study confirms that there is a potential aspartame risk to humans.”
In a 2007 review article, researchers from University of Pretoria in South Africa concluded that “patients consumption of aspartame could cause neurological and behavioural disturbances in sensitive individuals.”2)
Patients who choose to consume aspartame should be aware that negative side effects are often dose-dependent.
While sucralose (Splenda) has an excellent safety profile, the sugar substitute appears to interfere with vitamin D metabolism, at least in rats.3)
Sucralose is the substance named for the sugar substitute marketed as Splenda. The safety profile of Splenda is very good. Splenda has a taste which more closely matches that of sugar.
Sucralose (Splenda) is derived from table sugar (sucrose) but is chemically modified so it has no calories, and so it is not perceived by the body as a carbohydrate. Unlike carbohydrates, sucralose is not broken down during its passage through the body. It can be used by diabetics, and by people who want to control their blood sugar.
Stevia is a plant native to Central and South America, and is often sold as an extract. The molecular effects of stevia have yet to be fully explored. Because it is typically used in smaller amounts than competing sugar substitutes and there is no evidence it interferes with vitamin D metabolism, it is the preferred sugar substitute. “Stevia in the Raw” has been reported to have a moderately-neutral taste.
Some processed food is artificially sweetened with natural sugar alcohols, such as maltitol, lactitol, erythritol and xylitol. Consumption of limited amounts of sugar alcohols by MP patients is acceptable, provided that digestion is not negatively affected, as sugar alcohols can have a laxative effect.