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Marshall ProtocolA curative medical treatment for chronic inflammatory disease. Based on the Marshall Pathogenesis. (MP) patients should get at least the Recommended Daily Allowance (RDA) of protein. Patients on the MP, especially vegetarians, should try to eat proteins from a variety of food sources to ensure receiving a full complement of amino acids. Consuming the proper variety and amount of protein is not nearly as important as other elements of the MP such as a low-carbohydrate, insulin-resistant diet and the avoidance of vitamin D.

What is an adequate amount of protein?

The RDA of protein, according to U.S. government standards, is 0.8 gram per kilogram (2.2 pounds) of ideal body weight for the adult. This protein RDA is said to meet 97.5% of the population's needs.

Various sources list anywhere from 0.5gm to 1gm of protein per one to 2.2 pounds of body weight as the recommended protein intake.

Recommended daily protein intake, by body mass
Body mass
Body mass
Daily intake
45 kg 99 lb 23-45 g
55 kg 121 lb 28-55 g
65 kg 143 lb 33-65 g
75 kg 165 lb 38-75 g
85 kg 187 lb 43-85 g
95 kg 208 lb 48-95 g
100 kg 220 lb 50-100 g
110 kg 232 lb 55-110 g

Active individuals may require as much as one gram of protein per pound of lean body mass while 0.5 gram of protein per pound of lean body mass may suffice for inactive people. The average mixed American diet provides from one to two times the RDA for protein.

Wake Forest University Baptist Medical Center provides a calculator to determine protein needs.

Importance of variety

Proteins are made up of several different amino acids, some of which the body can make on its own. But some of them can not be synthesized in the body and have to be ingested. These are called the “essential” amino acids.

Different protein sources contain a different balance of essential amino acids.

Animal protein foods, including meat, poultry, fish, dairy products and eggs, have high biological value as they contain all nine essential amino acids: histidine, isoleucine, leucine, lysine, methionine, phenylalanine, threonine, tryptophan and valine.

Plant protein sources, although good for certain essential amino acids, do not always offer all nine essential amino acids in a single given food. For example, legumes lack methionine, while grains lack lysine. What is needed are complementary proteins: various protein food sources that, eaten together, enable a person to meet the standards of a high biologic protein diet.


Dietary studies show clearly that diets based solely on plant sources of protein can be quite adequate and supply the recommended amounts of all essential amino acids for adults.

Vegetarians, of which there are some varieties, must make a special effort to eat a combination of foods which allow them to get a full complement of amino acids.

Plant proteins may be less digestible because of intrinsic differences in the nature of the protein and the presence of other factors, such as fiber, which may reduce protein digestibility by as much as 10 percent.

Note that national and international recommendations for protein intake are based on animal sources of protein such as meat, cow's milk and eggs.

Good sources of protein


  • black beans, cooked (1 cup) 15 g
  • kidney beans, cooked (1 cup) 13 g
  • chickpeas, cooked (1 cup) 12 g
  • pinto beans, cooked (1 cup) 12 g
  • black-eyed peas, cooked (1 cup) 11 g
  • lima beans, cooked (1 cup) 10 g
  • lentils, cooked (1 cup) 18 g

MP patients should avoid soy and soy products, such as tofu and soy milk.

Nuts and seeds

  • almonds (1/4 cup) 8 g
  • cashews (1/4 cup) 5 g
  • almond butter (2 Tbsp) 5 g


  • quinoa, cooked (1 cup) 9 g
  • brown rice, cooked (1 cup) 5 g

See the low-carbohydrate, insulin-resistant diet, which is recommended but not required.


  • cheddar cheese (100 g) 25 g
  • low-fat yogurt, plain (150 g) 8 g

Avoid vitamin D-fortified dairy products.

Meat and eggs

  • roast beef (100 g) 28 g
  • roast chicken (100 g) 25 g
  • egg white (1 medium sized) 4 g

Avoid fatty meats, as fat contains higher levels of vitamin D in mammals.

Consuming too much protein

If some people consume too much protein (over 2.0 g/kg/d), the extra protein may become a stressful stimulus for kidneys with limited function. This stressor can sometimes manifest in tests that measure kidney function.

Notes and comments



home/food/proteins.1284130916.txt.gz · Last modified: 09.10.2010 by paulalbert
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