Related article: Dividing medications
Minocycline hydrochloride, also known as minocycline, is a broad spectrum tetracycline antibiotic, and was the base antibiotic of the Marshall Protocol.
Minocycline is recognized as a DMARD (Disease-Modifying Anti-Rheumatic Drug) by the American College of Rheumatology, which recommends its use as a treatment for mild rheumatoid arthritis.1) To minimize its dose-dependent immunosuppressive effects, the Marshall Protocol uses minocycline at pulsed doses much lower than otherwise prescribed by rheumatologists.
Either generic or brand name is appropriate to use.
Minocycline hydrochloride (HCL) is the generic name for an antibiotic in the tetracycline family. It is usually referred to as simply minocycline. It is fine to use the generic form, minocycline, which is also the cheapest.
Minocycline is no longer covered by patent and is, therefore, also marketed under several trade names. It is fine to use any of these brand (trade) name products: Minomycin, Minocin, Arestin, Akamin, Aknemin, Solodyn, Dynacin, Sebomin, Alti-Minocycline, Apo-Minocycline, PMS-Minocycline, and Myrac. These are all trade/brand names of the same medication.
Minocycline is the generic name for an antibiotic in the tetracycline family. Generics are less expensive than a name brand. It is fine to use the generic form of minocycline.
It is also okay to use a brand name form of minocycline. For those with a sensitive stomach, the brand name Minocin is said to provide a better rate of absorption from the GI tract when taken with food. Patients may also take generic minocycline with food to decrease stomach upset. Taking the generic form on an empty stomach will speed the absorption.
Either way, if patients are consistent with the product and take it with or without food, they will achieve the same slow ramping and killing of bacteria at different serum levels of minocycline.
Concentrations of minocycline in the body change over the 48 hours between doses as shown in the following graph. The rapidly rising concentrations in the first few hours can stimulate an immune response. Some patients experience this as feeling worse in the initial hours after taking the minocycline. Later, as minocycline concentrations again fall into the immunostimulatory range, patients typically experience longer lasting and stronger symptoms of immunopathology.
At the highest concentrations (the peak in the curve shown in the graph) the minocycline can have an immunosuppressive effect. This is experienced as a lessening of immunopathology and palliation of symptoms.
Related article: Dividing medications
Minocycline may be obtained in capsules or tablets. If minocycline is available in tablet form, it is easier to divide with a tablet splitter if or when it is necessary, than dividing capsules.
The easiest route is to either have the minocycline compounded at 25mg or to get 50mg tablets that can be cut in half with a pill cutter. Both of these options are more expensive than buying 50mg capsules and dividing the contents in half yourself.
When used, Minocycline is taken in doses of 25, 50, 75 or 100 milligrams every 48 hours (every 2 days). Do not take less than 25mg or more than 100mg.
Do not take iron supplements, multivitamins, calcium supplements, antacids, or laxatives within two hours before or after taking minocycline. These products can make minocycline less effective.
Related article: Safety of Marshall Protocol antibiotics
Minocycline has been in use for over 40 years yet continues to be effective against MRSA2) and to reduce disease severity even after follow-up several years later.3)