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Original Rife machines generated a magnetic field with the use of Flash tubes. As long as the light from the flash tubes is avoided, we have no evidence that limited use of these field-based machines slows MP recovery.

The smaller 'Rife Frequency Generator' (these days sometimes also known simply as “Rife”) is a machine that allegedly generates radio waves with precisely the same frequency as the “vibratory rates” of infectious bacteria, allegedly causing the offending bacteria to shatter in the same manner as a crystal glass breaks in response to sound waves at a certain frequency.

There is no scientific evidence that the use of a 'Rife Frequency Generator' has the intended effect on infectious bacteria. Further, if bacteria were being 'shattered', potentially life-threatening ImmunopathologyA temporary increase in disease symptoms experienced by Marshall Protocol patients that results from the release of cytokines and endotoxins as disease-causing bacteria are killed. would be expected, yet little, or none, is observed. Prof Marshall suggests it is better to consider the use of TENS machines to palliate symptoms.

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home/othertreatments/rife.1314958563.txt.gz · Last modified: 09.02.2011 by drtrevormarshall
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