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Food intolerances

Food sensitivities and “allergies” are more appropriately labeled intolerances. MP patients have reported an exacerbation symptoms to a variety of offending foods. Common culprits include food and drink containing:

To troubleshoot a food intolerance, consider a rotation diet. Some patients have claimed symptomatic improvement with the Specific Carbohydrate Diet.

Patients experiences

My food “allergies” have lessened with time. When I react to a food now (I'm in phase 3 MP), I may get sick, but can function.

Bevin, MarshallProtocol.com

Since starting the MP my tolerance for fruits and vegetables is down to almost zero. At first I still tried to eat a few different things in the name of 'variety', but after the stomach pains, nausea and diarhea, I decided that I didn't care what anyone's opinion of “healthy eating” is. So now I only eat what my body agrees with and I'm doing fine.

Shadowzone, MarshallProtocol.com


Notes and comments

home/symptoms/food_intolerances.1346861595.txt.gz · Last modified: 09.05.2012 by paulalbert
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