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Birth control

Women of childbearing age who are on the MP and sexually active are advised to use adequate birth control measures to avoid an unwanted pregnancy. Note that the MP can increase fertility.

Because the MP can increase or restore fertility, women of childbearing age who are on the MP and sexually active are advised to use adequate birth control measures to avoid an unwanted pregnancy.

The doses of hormones found in birth control are low enough that patients need not be excessively concerned with their effect on immune function.

Types of hormones in birth control

  • estrogens – suppresses the body's normal hormonal-driven pattern of producing an egg every menstrual cycle
  • progestin – works to thicken the cervical mucus, which hinders the movement of sperm and inhibits the egg's ability to travel through the fallopian tubes

Types of birth control

There are two general kinds of birth control: those forms that consist of two synthetic hormones, estrogen and progestin; and those forms that contain progestin alone.

  • The combination pill – Contains estrogen and progestin. Sometimes called the “pill” or the combined oral contraceptive pill (COCP).
  • The patch – Contains estrogen and progestin. The patch is only applied once per week. Example: Ortho Evra.
  • Vaginal ring – Contains estrogen and progestin. Inserted and removed approximately once per month. Example: NuvaRing.
  • The progestin-only pill – Contains progestin alone. Sometimes called the “minipill.”

Adjust to birth control before starting the MP

Women about to begin the MP who have been prescribed birth control medication to use while on the MP should take that medication for one menstrual cycle to ascertain the effect of hormonal changes. They should then start the olmesartan (Benicar)Medication taken regularly by patients on the Marshall Protocol for its ability to activate the Vitamin D Receptor. blockade when they are not pre-menstrual, as per guidelines on starting the protocol.

Women should consult with their health care practitioners regarding this suggestion and ask him/her to monitor hormonal levels as they progress on the MP to make sure that the birth control medication continues to prevent ovulation. The physician may advise the use of additional contraceptive measures.

General advice about hormone supplementation

Due to the nature of chronic disease, it is common for patients suffering from chronic diseases to have low levels of hormones. This is often due to high levels of the vitamin D metabolite 1,25-DPrimary biologically active vitamin D hormone. Activates the vitamin D nuclear receptor. Produced by hydroxylation of 25-D. Also known as 1,25-dihydroxycholecalciferol, 1,25-hydroxyvitamin D and calcitirol. which interferes with the production of hormones such as T3, testosterone, etc. Because the vitamin D system is dysregulated in chronically ill patients, supplementing with other hormones tends to further dysregulate the receptors rather than increase hormonal expression. Thus, hormone supplementation is contraindicated. If the patient is already on hormone “replacement” therapy, judicious use of low-dose hormone therapy (to relieve intolerable symptoms) may be necessary until the patient is able to wean from the hormones.

Marshall Protocol (MP) patients are advised to work with their doctor to use the lowest dose of medication that is effective.

As patients begin to kill the Th1 pathogensThe community of bacterial pathogens which cause chronic inflammatory disease - one which almost certainly includes multiple species and bacterial forms. causing their disease, vitamin D metabolism restabilizes and 1,25-D's effects on hormonal stabilization becomes less of an issue. Once this happens, there is no longer a need to take extra hormone supplements, and patients can then wean off their steroids.


Patients experiences

I used Ortho-lo because I started to get frequent spotting between periods and bad menstrual cramps at random times. It didn't seem to be working right. I switched to NuvaRing, a ring inserted each month and it's been great. No spotting, no cramps whatsoever, the lightest period I have ever had. I'm very happy with it and it SEEMS to be working quite well. It is a possibility that the reason the Ortho-lo wasn't working right had less to do with the MP and more with the low level hormones just not having enough effect. So of course i can't guarantee if NuvaRing is preventing pregnancy, but it seems to be working correctly.


The decision to use the NuvaRing for birth control has really worked out for me. Before starting with it I was having 60-80 days between cycles with really heavy bleeding. I know my whole system was struggling to send the right hormonal signals to all the right places. Now, with the use of the Benicar (and a little hormonal help from the NuvaRing) my cycles are regular, manageable and reasonable.


Notes and comments


home/othertreatments/birth_control.1284126013.txt.gz · Last modified: 09.10.2010 by paulalbert
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