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Troubleshooting Tips

If you are having trouble accessing or using our research and support community forums at CureMyTh1.org, please review the following troubleshooting tips.

Unable to login into newly registered account

If you have just registered a new account, you will need to activate your account.

  1. after you register, an email will be sent to you that has an activation link that you must visit in order to confirm your registration and activate your account
  2. if the activation message is not sent fairly quickly, check your spam or junk mail folders first.
  3. if the message is not there, it is possible you made an error when entering your email address
  4. if you do not activate your registration within 48 hours from your initial registration request, the user name will be cleared from the system
  5. if you did not activate within 48 hours, you may again attempt your registration with the same user name

Unable to login into activated account

If you are unable to login to your activated account at the forum's Login page these steps are recommended:

  1. review your activation email to verify the correct spelling of your username
  2. be sure that you are typing in your password using the same upper and lower case letters that you used when your account was set up–your password is case sensitive

Forgot your username or password?

If you have already activated your account and you still get an error message when attempting to log in, you can click on the link, Forgot your username or password?.

This will take you to a page where you can enter the email address associated with your account. Once you click on the (Send) button on the dialog box, the system will send you a temporary 8-digit password that will allow you to log in.

Once you are logged in you will need to change your password « If this link doesn't work, you can navigate to the same page byclicking on the button at the upper right of the page labeled “My account” and then clicking on the tab labeled “Password” »

The “Old Password” will be the temporary password provided by the system. Please carefully select a new password that is not easy to guess, write it down and choose an easy to remember location to store it. Once you have entered your new password in the second and third text boxes, click on the (Save) button to complete the password change process. There should be a message indicating your new password has been saved after you click on the (Save) button.

Check which site you are registered on

If you are new to the MP sites and have only set up a user account on CuremyTH1.org, your username and password will only work for that site. The main study site (marshallprotocol.com) requires an application and approval prior to setting up an account there. If you desire access to that site you can log on to your account at CuremyTH1.org and follow the instructions here: How to obtain access to the MarshallProtocol.com site.

If you need more help

If you still have trouble logging in, or need one of our staff members to verify your account status and username, please send an email to our Admin Staff and let us know so we can help you get the problem resolved.

home/starting/usingforum/troubleshooting.1377587105.txt.gz · Last modified: 08.27.2013 by joyful
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