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Food intolerances

Food sensitivities and “allergies” are more appropriately labeled intolerances. MP patients have reported an exacerbation symptoms to a variety of offending foods. Common culprits include food and drink containing:

To troubleshoot a food intolerance, consider a rotation diet. Some patients have claimed symptomatic improvement with the Specific Carbohydrate Diet.

Patients experiences

My food “allergies” have lessened with time. When I react to a food now (I'm in phase 3 MP), I may get sick, but can function.

Bevin, MarshallProtocol.com

Since starting the MP my tolerance for fruits and vegetables is down to almost zero. At first I still tried to eat a few different things in the name of 'variety', but after the stomach pains, nausea and diarhea, I decided that I didn't care what anyone's opinion of “healthy eating” is. So now I only eat what my body agrees with and I'm doing fine.

Shadowzone, MarshallProtocol.com


Notes and comments

Some report symptom improvement when removing nightshades from their diet. There is a book on this and someone tried to sumarise the text here:

Nightshades are the ONLY foods we eat that as a staple contain neurotoxins.

You are very familiar with nightshade plants even if you do not recognize the term. Potatoes, tomatoes, eggplant, peppers, tobacco, jimson weed and more are all part of the nightshade family, they all contain poisons that attack the nervous system.

Nightshades are good for you except for the neurotoxins that cannot be extracted from them easily, and cooking does not noticeably affect them. When we eat nightshades, we are receiving a daily dose of drugs that do not leave the body quickly, and can cause lots of damage.

All nightshade plants contain nicotine that is a known source of cancer, a few spoonfuls of eggplant contain the same amount of nicotine as sitting in a closed room with a light-smoker for three hours.

Nightshade plants contain more poisons than just nicotine; they also contain atropine, chaconine, tomatine, scopolamine, and more.

The USDA is aware of the toxic nature of solanine; the problem is the nature of public acceptance. It remains unclear why the USDA has not alerted the public to the dangers of nightshades. Nor is it clear as to why the medical establishment is not eliminating nightshades as a possible source of many diseases, before starting expensive medical treatment.

There have not been studies found on safe levels of nightshade plants, if there has been they are not listed with the U.N. or Universities and the U.S. Government has never seen them. There are some studies done on the harmful levels of nightshades, but not the safe levels.

Solanine is a cell disruptor; it can cause the lining of the cell wall to become inflamed leading to digestive problems.

Scopolamine (also known as Hyoscine) can be found in a variety of non-prescription sedatives, such as Sominex. It is similar to the neuro-transmitter acetylcholine. It acts by interfering with the transmissionAn incident in which an infectious disease is transmitted. of nerve impulses by acetylcholine in the parasympathetic nervous system. Typical symptoms of exposure include dilated pupils, rapid heartbeat, and drying of the skin, mouth, and respiratory passages.

Atropine is used by anesthesiologists to control mucus develop-ment during general anesthesia, so patients will not suffocate; it dries out the membranes. It is also used in ophthalmology to expand the pupil so the doctor may examine the eyes.

Tomatine is a poisonous alkaloid element found in the tomato plant. Scientists call it a glycoalkaloid and refer to its antifungal properties. Tomatine is found in the green parts of the plant, such as the leaves, stems, and unripe fruit. The ripe red tomato has only very minimal levels of tomatine and is generally safe for human consumption. Even unripe fruits don’t have enough tomatine to make the average person sick.

Those who are involved in a specific diet or supplement program can talk to their nutritionists about whether tomatine represents a potential health hazard for them. Getting customized nutritional information is part of boosting your dietary health, and what is true for one person may not be sure for all people. Look into the latest research on food science and observe your diet to see if you are susceptible to tomatine or other potential toxins.

This should provide a start with a link to the book “Nightshade free Pain free” and also perhaps also http://www.noarthritis.com/research.htm and http://www.anaturalway.com/Foods%20that%20Cripple.html

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