Related articles: 5 key elements of MP
Related articles: 5 key elements of MP
Patients on the Marshall Protocol (MP) must work with a licensed physician or other healthcare practitioner, such as a nurse practitioner or physician's assistant. Patients who have the most successful outcomes are proactive and prepared. They internalize the requirements for the MP and, when necessary, work to address any of their physicians' concerns about the treatment. At this point, no doctors are certified in the use of the MP.
Main article: Finding a physician
Related article: Convincing a reluctant physician to prescribe the Marshall Protocol
Generally speaking, it often makes the most sense to work with one's existing doctor when getting on the Marshall Protocol.
Patients who educate themselves, before approaching their doctor, have the most success in getting their doctor to partner with them in their recovery. Especially when they show the initiative to print out the published research and can explain their plan with confidence.
Many patients find that their doctors appreciate when they take the time to provide copies of newly published papers about the protocol. Some patients forward electronic copies (PDFs) to their doctor's email. Some doctors appreciate when their patients provide paper copies with key points highlighted. We recommend you discuss with your doctor how they would prefer to be kept up to date.
Medical practice is oriented towards “intervention-as-first-response” for nearly everything.
The idea that a human body could recover by removing the burdens being put on it has not quite taken off yet.
Joyful March 2017
Main article: Convincing a reluctant physician to prescribe the MP
Related article: Finding a physician
Although it has become less of a challenge as the work of Autoimmunity Research FoundationNon-profit foundation dedicated to exploring a pathogenesis and therapy for chronic disease. has gained acceptance, finding a physician willing to prescribe the Marshall ProtocolA curative medical treatment for chronic inflammatory disease. Based on the Marshall Pathogenesis. (MP) can sometimes present a challenge for patients. Those patients who have convinced their physician to employ the MP take a number of measures to make their physician comfortable with prescribing the therapy.
Those patients whose prospective doctors refuse to put them on the MP or impose excessive and unnecessary preconditions may be best advised to look elsewhere.
Related article: Checklist for starting the Marshall Protocol
Because the Marshall Protocol medications are used “off-label” (i.e. for a purposes other than those for which they are approved), it may also help to understand the guidance governing off-label use of medications. Some doctors are unclear on this, leading to unnecessary reluctance to prescribe medications for off-label use.
The Marshall ProtocolA curative medical treatment for chronic inflammatory disease. Based on the Marshall Pathogenesis. (MP) is a powerful therapy for immune function recovery and must be followed exactly. Every aspect of the MP is designed with a patient's safety in mind. Patients intent on beginning the MP should first ensure that they have completed all the items on the checklist before they begin.
Articles about a number of different diseases, each of which is relevant to a particular specialist, is also available.
Instead of buying a copy of your x-rays, I have “borrowed” mine from the hospitals where they were taken. agreeing to return them. When I switched doctors. I took my last two sets, because although the pictures looked mostly the same, the radiologists findings (opinions) differed. The radiologist's readings are stored with the x- rays so you will have them too.
CJ Waterhouse,
I ask for copies of everything when I leave my doctor's office. After only five or so visits, he does it automatically.
Our doctors are not doing us a favor by seeing us as patients, they are making a living from our illness. If we had no illness, we would not be seeing them. We pay their wages.
In the UK we do have a right to ask for a copy of test results, even under NHS rules, but it's not quite as simple as it is in the US. I've found it best to write test results down, or if it's a huge raft of tests, I ask them to send a copy to my GP. It's much easier for your GP to make a printout on the spot than trying to get hospital admin to do, well, anything, frankly.
Barbski UK,
Some language [we] used in the appointment request that may or may not be helpful to other people needing to seek this kind of advice:
[Patient] is on an experimental program involving off-label use of a drug and involving a significant uptick in her immune system activity. Sufficient appointment time will be required to provide that background information to the hematologist.
We will bring background information and contact information so that the researcher may be consulted. Consultation with the researcher is vital, as any weaning or alteration of her program must be done carefully and sudden discontinuation can be dangerous. [Patient] desires to find a safe way to continue the program, as it has provided improvement in her condition (very severe Chronic Fatigue Syndrome) and hope for an improved long-term outcome.
That background information can be sent prior to the visit by email, if that is preferred.
We have selected […] based on the short bios on the website, but will see any experienced hematologist who is willing to work with her as a partner and on a case that is a bit atypical.
Thank you!
Remember when feeling frustrated about the lack of willingness of some doctors to listen to your argument for the MP, we also have doctors that have listened, and that are helping many of us on this treatment, which can only be considered highly experimental by those same doctors.
Change is slow to happen. It seems to be the nature of most people to resist change.
Of all of my doctors, GP, Integrated, pulmonologist, cardiologist, psychiatrist, dermatologist, OB/GYN, only the dermatologist refused to listen to any discussion of MP principals (Vitamin D, in this case.) All of the rest were either very supportive or did not offer any resistance or argument against our undertaking the MP.
Again, I think it is a mistake to demonize the entire medical profession. The very system (which includes research, funding, Big Pharm interests, and human nature) is not supportive of scientific theories or findings outside of the status-quo, and even then I read it takes new findings 17 years to make it to the bedside.
Most doctors, nurses and other health professionals care deeply about their patients.