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Marshall Protocol summary
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best method for determining MP suitability
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Microbes in the human body
Successive infection and variability in disease
Autoimmune theory of disease
Science behind vitamin D
Metabolism of vitamin D and the VDR
Th1 Spectrum Disorder -
how chronic inflammatory diseases are related
Transmission of bacteria and onset of chronic disease
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TAG: Trevor Marshall PhD
Book chapter - Autoimmune disease and the human metagenome
Book chapter - High levels of active 1,25-dihydroxyvitamin D despite low levels of the 25-hydroxyvitamin D precursor: implications of dysregulated vitamin D for diagnosis and treatment of chronic disease
Paper - Autoimmune disease in the era of the metagenome
Paper - Common angiotensin receptor blockers may directly modulate the immune system via VDR, PPAR and CCR2b
Paper - Dysregulation of the Vitamin D Nuclear Receptor may contribute to the higher prevalence of some autoimmune diseases in women
Paper - Electrosmog and autoimmune disease
Paper - Immunostimulation in the era of the metagenome
Paper - Immunostimulation in the treatment for chronic fatigue syndrome/myalgic encephalomyelitis
Paper - Inflammatory disease and the human microbiome
Paper - Microbe-microbe and host-microbe interactions drive microbiome dysbiosis and inflammatory processes.
Paper - Microbe-microbe and host-microbe interactions drive microbiome dysbiosis and inflammatory processes.
Paper - Myalgic Encephalomyelitis/Chronic Fatigue Syndrome in the Era of the Human Microbiome: Persistent Pathogens Drive Chronic Symptoms by Interfering With Host Metabolism, Gene Expression, and Immunity.
Paper - Re-framing the Theory of Autoimmunity in the Era of the microbiome: Persistent Pathogens, Autoantibodies, and Molecular Mimicry
Paper - Sarcoidosis succumbs to antibiotics: implications for autoimmune disease
Paper - The human microbiome and autoimmunity
Paper - Vitamin D discovery outpaces FDA decision making
Paper - Vitamin D: the alternative hypothesis
Poster - Bacterial capnine blocks transcription of human antimicrobial peptides
Poster - Bipolar disorders and autoimmune disease share a similar etiology
Poster - Molecular static and dynamic analyses reveal flaw in murine model used by US FDA to detect drug carcinogenicity
Poster - VDR Nuclear Receptor competence is the key to recovery from chronic inflammatory and autoimmune disease
Poster - VDR nuclear receptor is key to recovery from cognitive dysfunction
Presentation - A new approach to treating intraphagocytic CWD bacterial pathogens in sarcoidosis, CFS, Lyme and other inflammatory diseases
Presentation - Antibodies and infection in the era of metagenome
Presentation - Autoantibodies - are they the cause of disease, or the result of disease?
Presentation - Autoimmune Disease succumbs to a VDR Nuclear Receptor Agonist
Presentation - Can Waves Cause or Cure Disease?
Presentation - Chronic Disease, the Human Microbiome, and Personalized Medicine
Presentation - Electrosmog Radiation - Its effects on the human VDR (and beyond)
Presentation - Environmental Radiation modulates symptoms in Human Immune Disease
Presentation - How borrelia evades the immune system, and how we help the immune system kill this Th1 bacterium
Presentation - Immune Disease and the Microbiome: PPPM Healthcare in response to New Knowledge
Presentation - Is there a role for a Tin-Foil hat in PPPM?
Presentation - It is time to bury Koch - Infectious disease transitions to an understanding of the Metagenome
Presentation - Molecular genomics offers new insight into the exact mechanism of action of common drugs: ARBs, statins and corticosteroids
Presentation - Molecular mechanisms driving the current epidemic of chronic disease
Presentation - Olmesartan overcomes antibiotic resistance, inducing recovery from advanced autoimmune disease
Presentation - The Endomicrobiome as a strategic tool of PPPM
Presentation - The human microbiome is the mechanism fueling neurodegenerative disorders
Presentation - The human microbiome lies at the heart of autoimmune disease
Presentation - The importance of the microbiome in chronic disease prevention
Presentation - The Marshall Protocol in a Clinical Environment - Observations from the Initial Cohort
Presentation - The Marshall Protocol in a clinical environment – observations from the initial cohort
Presentation - The microbiome, which feeds a myriad of autoimmune diseases
Presentation - The VDR nuclear receptor is a novel proxy for MTSS1 and MTUS1 in breast, bladder and colorectal cancers
Presentation - The VDR nuclear receptor is key to understanding ‘diseases of the aging’
Presentation - Understanding human disease requires study of a metagenome, not just the human genome
Presentation - VDR receptor competence induces recovery from chronic autoimmune disease
Presentation - What can microbial genomes tell us about human health?
Presentation - What more is there to discover about Vitamin D?
Presentation - Why does Vitamin-D 'Work' So Well
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