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Publications & presentations


Author(s) Date Journal Title
Proal AD, Lindseth IA, Marshall TG 2017 Discovery medicine Microbe-Microbe and Host-Microbe Interactions Drive Microbiome Dysbiosis and Inflammatory Processes
Marshall TG, Heil TJR2016 Immunologic Research Electrosmog and autoimmune disease
Proal AD, Albert PJ, Marshall TG 2014 Discovery medicine Inflammatory disease and the human microbiome
Proal AD, Albert PJ, Marshall TG, Blaney GP, Lindseth IA. 2013 Immunologic research Immunostimulation in the treatment for chronic fatigue syndrome/myalgic encephalomyelitis
Proal AD, Albert PJ, Marshall TG 2013 Current opinion in rheumatology The human microbiome and autoimmunity
Proal AD, Albert PJ, Blaney GP, Lindseth IA, Benediktsson C, Marshall TG. 2011 Cellular & molecular immunology Immunostimulation in the era of the metagenome
Proal AD, Albert PJ, Marshall TG 2009 Autoimmunity reviews Autoimmune disease in the era of the metagenome
Albert PJ, Proal AD, Marshall TG 2009 Autoimmunity reviews Vitamin D: the alternative hypothesis
Blaney G, Albert PJ, Proal AD 2009 Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences Vitamin D metabolites as clinical markers in autoimmune and chronic disease
Proal AD, Albert PJ, Marshall TG 2009 Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences Dysregulation of the Vitamin D Nuclear Receptor may contribute to the higher prevalence of some autoimmune diseases in women
Waterhouse JC, Perez TH, Albert PJ 2009 Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences Reversing bacteria-induced Vitamin D Receptor dysfunction is key to autoimmune disease
Marshall TG 2008 Feb. Bioessays Vitamin D discovery outpaces FDA decision making
Marshall TG, Lee RE, Marshall FE 2006 Jan. Theoretical biology & medical modelling Common angiotensin receptor blockers may directly modulate the immune system via VDR, PPAR and CCR2b
Marshall TG, Marshall FE 2004 Jun. Autoimmunity reviews Sarcoidosis succumbs to antibiotics: implications for autoimmune disease

Presentations after 2010

Presenter(s) Date Conference Title Location
Marshall TG 2018 May 11th International Congress on Autoimmunity Electrosmog radiation - Effects on the VDR Lisbon, Portugal
Marshall TG 2016 SeptemberPredictive, Preventive and Personalized Medicine Immune Disease and the Microbiome: Healthcare in response to New Knowledge Moscow, Russia
Marshall TG 2016 April 10th Congress on Autoimmunity What More is there to Discover about Vitamin-D Leipzig, Germany
Marshall TG 2015 September EPMA World Congress Is there a role for a Tin-Foil hat in PPPM? University of Bonn
Marshall TG 2015 May Preventive Medicine 2015 The Importance of the Microbiome in Chronic Disease Prevention Moscow, Russia
Marshall TG 2012 June Molecular Basis of Clinical Medicine What can microbial genomes tell us about human health? Saint Petersburg, Russia
Lindseth IA 2012 May 8th International Congress on Autoimmunity Treatment of chronic fatigue syndrome as an immunological disorder Granada, Spain
Marshall TG 2012 May 8th International Congress on Autoimmunity The microbiome, which feeds a myriad of autoimmune diseases Granada, Spain
Goetze-Pelka R 2011 November Autoimmunity Congress Asia Psychiatric and neurologic comorbidities as systemic dysfunctions Singapore
Marshall TG 2011 May NeuroTalk 2011 The human microbiome is the mechanism fueling neurodegenerative disorders Dalian, China
Marshall TG 2011 April BIT's 2nd World DNA and Genome Day The human microbiome lies at the heart of autoimmune disease Dalian, China

Presentations before 2011

Presenter(s) Date Conference Title Location
Marshall TG 2010 May 7th International Congress on Autoimmunity Olmesartan overcomes antibiotic resistance, inducing recovery from advanced autoimmune disease Ljubljana, Slovenia
Blaney G 2010 May 7th International Congress on Autoimmunity Olmesartan medoxomil & treatment of autoimmune disease Ljubljana, Slovenia
Proal A 2010 May 7th International Congress on Autoimmunity Metagenomic symbiosis between bacterial and viral pathogens in autoimmune disease Ljubljana, Slovenia
Marshall TG 2009 Aug. 4th China Medicinal Biotech Forum The VDR nuclear receptor is a novel proxy for MTSS1 and MTUS1 in breast, bladder and colorectal cancers Dailan, China
Proal AD 2009 May International Congress of Antibodies Antibodies and infection in the era of metagenome Beijing, China
Marshall TG 2009 Apr. Workshop on Chlamydial Infection Clinical observations Prague, Czech Republic
Marshall TG 2009 Apr. Workshop on Chlamydial Infection It is time to bury Koch - Infectious Disease transitions to an understanding of the Metagenome Prague, Czech Republic
Marshall TG 2008 Dec. clinical seminar at West China Hospital The Marshall Protocol in a clinical environment – observations from the initial cohort West China Medical School, Sichuan University
Marshall TG 2008 Dec. World Gene Congress Understanding human disease requires study of a metagenome, not just the human genome Foshan, China
Marshall TG 2008 Sept. International Congress on Autoimmunity VDR receptor competence induces recovery from chronic autoimmune disease Porto, Portugal
Perez TH 2008 Sept. International Congress on Autoimmunity Bacteria induced vitamin D receptor dysfunction in autoimmune disease: theoretical and practical implications for interpretation of serum vitamin D metabolite levels Porto, Portugal
Proal AD 2008 Sept. International Congress on Autoimmunity Vitamin D induced dysregulation of nuclear receptors may account for higher prevalence of some autoimmune diseases in women Porto, Portugal
Blaney G 2008 Sept. International Congress on Autoimmunity Vitamin D metabolites as clinical markers in autoimmune and chronic illness Porto, Portugal
Marshall TG 2008 Apr. Aging 2008 The VDR nuclear receptor is key to understanding ‘diseases of the aging’ UCLA
Marshall TG 2006 Oct. 41st Annual Meeting of AAEM A new approach to treating intraphagocytic CWD bacterial pathogens in sarcoidosis, CFS, Lyme and other inflammatory diseases Hilton Head, SC
Marshall TG 2006 Mar. Visiting Professor Lecture Series, organized by the FDA Molecular genomics offers new insight into the exact mechanism of action of common drugs: ARBs, statins and corticosteroids Bethesda, MD
Marshall TG 2006 May Bio21 Molecular mechanisms driving the current epidemic of chronic disease Melbourne, Australia
Waterhouse JC 2006 June Recovering from chronic disease - sarcoidosis, autoimmunity, AIDS and cancers Vitamins D in chronic disease Los Angeles, CA
Marshall TG 2005 May 30th Anniversary of Lyme Disease How borrelia evades the immune system, and how we help the immune system kill this Th1 bacterium Farmington, CT


Presenter(s) Date Conference Title Location
Heil TJR 2016 April 10th International Congress on Autoimmunity Immunostimulation: A Treatment Innovation in Chronic Inflammatory and Autoimmune Disorders Leipzig, Germany
Heil TJR 2015 June Interaction of Nervous and Immune Systems in Health and Disease Clinical observation of immunostimulation in chronic nervous and immune disorders: retargeted olmesartan medoxomil in 62 patients St. Petersburg, Russia
Proal AD 2010 Aug. Human MicrobiomeThe bacterial community in the human body. Many species in the microbiota contribute to the development of chronic disease. Research Conference Successive infection: a model for how metagenomic communities shift to become more pathogenic over time St. Louis, MO
Albert PJ 2010 Aug. Human Microbiome Research Conference Multiple reports of symptom exacerbation on immunostimulatory treatment for autoimmune disease St. Louis, MO
Raty J, Benediktsson C, Marshall TG 2010 May 7th International Congress on Autoimmunity Bipolar disorders and autoimmune disease share a similar etiology Ljubljana, Slovenia
Albert PJ 2010 May 7th International Congress on Autoimmunity Web 2.0 offers new opportunities for patient care and research Ljubljana, Slovenia
Marshall TG 2008 Apr. Days of Molecular Medicine VDR nuclear receptor is key to recovery from cognitive dysfunction Karolinska Institute, Sweden
Proal AD 2008 Apr. Days of Molecular Medicine Cognitive dysfunction in women with chronic fatigue syndrome: examining the role of the endometrium, the nuclear receptors, and the antimicrobial peptides Karolinska Institute, Sweden
Marshall TG 2007 June Third International Conference on Metagenomics Bacterial capnine blocks transcription of human antimicrobial peptides University of California, San Diego
Marshall TG 2007 May Days of Molecular Medicine Molecular static and dynamic analyses reveal flaw in murine model used by US FDA to detect drug carcinogenicity Harvard University
Marshall TG 2006 May Days of Molecular Medicine VDR Nuclear Receptor competence is the key to recovery from chronic inflammatory and autoimmune disease Karolinska Institute, Sweden

Book Chapters

Author(s) Date Book Title
Proal AD, Albert PJ, Marshall TG 2010 Autoimmune disease and the human metagenome Metagenomics of the human body
Waterhouse JC, Marshall TG, Fenter B, Mangin M, Blaney G 2006 High levels of active 1,25-dihydroxyvitamin D despite low levels of the 25-hydroxyvitamin D precursor: implications of dysregulated vitamin D for diagnosis and treatment of chronic disease Vitamin D: New Research





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Notes and comments

Sallie Q 07.09.2017 https://mpkb.org/home/waves/devp_outline kick off point for WIP on Radio Frequency radiation

Sallie Q 06.13.2017 added missing videos Tinfoil hat and What More to learn — Sallie Q 03.30.2017 added Jan paper and removed duplicate reference with no article but please note that the video presentation for 2015 has a link to a video which does not appear — Sallie Q 07.17.2016 adding new paper to table of Publications

added a link to youTube at https://www.youtube.com/user/DrTrevorMarshallSallie Q 03.07.2016

listing Trudy Heil's poster — Sallie Q 07.31.2015 Trudy created her own page… new permissions have been granted to Sallie Q as well for page creation — Joyful 08.01.2015


A transcript of the presentation by Keisuke Arasaki MD,PhD, adjunct professor of clinical neurology at the Toho University School of Medicine, at the 2006 JSSOG (Japanese Pulmonology) conference titled “Report on a case of systemic sarcoidosis treated according to the Marshall Protocol” can be found at: http://autoimmunityresearch.org/transcripts/arasaki_jssog_2006.pdf

Additional (more dated) papers are published online at JOIMR.org (JOURNAL OF INDEPENDENT MEDICAL RESEARCH):

Author(s) Date Journal Title
Marshall TG, et al Oct '05 JOIMR Antibacterial Therapy Induces Remission in Sarcoidosis
Marshall TG, et al Mar '05 JOIMR Putative Antibacterial Mechanisms for Angiotensin II Receptor Blockers
TG and FE Marshall Aug '03 JOIMR Antibiotics in Sarcoidosis - Reflections on the First Year
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