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Modifying Home Environment

Living with emf sensitivity

The need to measure and modify living and working areas

is based on current research and very challenging theories to explain behavior of electrons in cell biology. Some extracts follow from Phys•Org NewsQuantum Criticality in life's proteins

The authors note that charges entering a critically conducting biomolecule will be under the joint influence of the quantum Hamiltonian and the excessive decoherence caused by the environment. Currently a huge focus in Quantum biology, this kind of conductance has been seen for example, for excitons in the light-harvesting systems.

In suggesting that biomolecules, or at least most of them, are quantum critical conductors, Kauffman and his group are claiming that their electronic properties are precisely tuned to the transition point between a metal and an insulator.

They do note that some biomolecules are actually fairly good conductors. Some of the essential steroids which are bioactive extremely low (nanomolar) concentrations, like testosterone, fall into that category.

We might call to mind.. that others have looked for similar kinds of extreme behaviours in other examples of life's proteins. Stuart Hameroff has been a long time champion of networks of polymerized tubulins in the conduction of information in the cells through as yet fully defined mechanisms. In particular, we should mention recent work on driving the rapidly polymerization of microtubules through external electromagnetic fields raises the question of what new kinds of physics may be at play here.

Quantum coherence was proposed as an intrinsic feature of life by Schrodinger in his book 'What is Life', and historically supported by Albert Szent-Gyorgyi, Herbert Frohlich and others. But artificial quantum systems are plagued by thermal and electromagnetic interactions with their environments, disrupting quantum states and causing 'decoherence'. ….However some scientists including Kaufman and Sir Roger Penrose have thought that biology could have developed mechanisms to avoid decoherence, or perhaps that life even originated because of quantum mechanisms. Biomolecules are generally 'amphipathic', with charged, water-soluble polar groups on one end, and an oil-like, non-polar group on the other. Oil and water don't mix. When amphipathic biomolecules self-assemble (e.g. in protein folding), the non-polar groups coalesce, forming intra-protein 'hydrophobic pockets', excluding water. The polar ends stick out into the charged, watery environment.

Virtually all biomolecules and organelles have non-polar interiors friendly to quantum coherence (the 'quantum underground').

Consciousness has been proposed to involve organized quantum mechanisms, and in the brain, anesthetic gas molecules selectively prevent consciousness in non-polar, hydrophobic regions of brain proteins.

Microtubules are protein lattice polymers which organize neuronal interiors and regulate synapses. Several theories including the Penrose-Hameroff 'Orch OR' theory suggest consciousness depends on microtubules acting as quantum computers whose quantum bits ('qubits') involve coherent dipole couplings among pi electron resonance clouds.

What do anesthetics do in the microtubule quantum underground? Quantum coherence in photosynthesis proteins are enabled by coherent mechanical vibrations. In microtubules, Bandyopadhyay's group has shown coherent vibrations in gigahertz (109 Hz), megahertz (106 Hz) and kilohertz (103 Hz) ranges, self-similar patterns each separated by several orders of magnitude.

Coherent vibrations enable quantum coherence in photosynthesis proteins. Their role in microtubules may be as important for cognition and consciousness. Microtubule vibrations are accordion-like compressions and relaxations, with each compression pushing the pi resonance rings slightly closer together, past the quantum critical point, beneath the van der Waals radii and enabling quantum coherence throughout large regions of the microtubule quantum underground, and overlapping van der Waals radii, causing nonlinear repulsion and return to classical states. Thus quantum and classical states alternate, in various frequency scales which interact, not unlike music.

The Capacitive Wave System (CWS) was developed by the Autoimmunity Research FoundationNon-profit foundation dedicated to exploring a pathogenesis and therapy for chronic disease. in 2014 as a research device for experimental use by members of our research site struggling with the symptoms of chronic disease.

  • Capacitive wave systems appear to be modifying neurological symptoms in persons with Th1 illness.

This 'do it yourself' sleeping shelter was developed by the Autoimmunity Research Foundation in 2018

Building a DIY Faraday-Cage

How did this need arise ?

serious trouble began around 1985, well before WIFI or cell phones. If I had to guess it was around the time of doppler radar roll out, but also when digital hand held radios began to be widely used by contractors. Further, as I understand it, the military was well aware of the trouble with microwaves, but from a national security point of view they seem to have worried that if the information got out a critical tool would be curtailed. Therefore, in my thinking the first coverup began with the military which hid the research saying RF was dangerous.

The problem is that a little bit is one thing, full on saturation is another, and that is what is happening now. Further, the problem extends to animals and insects such as bees. How big the trouble is that we are getting into goes way beyond tobacco.

Looking backwards, I would say the biggest obstacle was a missing understanding of the quantum criticality of proteins and other mega-molecules common to all life and their interaction with RF. And so the safety focus was on much higher signal levels, those based on thermal effects.

Indeed, with research warnings of safety issues being hidden by national security censorship (and later commercial interests), RF has become so integrated with modern life as to be nearly impossible to roll it back. But, clearly, now, there will have to be some serious roll back (birds, bats, bees, and whatnots can't wear hats). Until then we will have to survive.

mvanwink Aug. 2015

Items under your control

Cairo Feb. 2016 You may be able to contact the power company to see what is involved in getting rid of the smart meter. I opted out of the smart meter program and had them replace my communicating meter with a non-communicating meter. It took them about 5 to 6 months. In the meantime you could look at what shielding you could use between the meter and your home.


With new electronic devices, follow a couple of simple rules and educate your children how to use these fancy items:

  Consult the store personnel about the EMF from any device you plan to purchase
  • Read in the store instructions for use. Especially small prints
  • Explain to your child how to use the electronic item
  • Make sure that the child understand the necessity to keep the device away from the brain and genitals
  • Be sure that during the night electronics is away from the child (better outside the room)
  • Specifically, be careful that the electronic device is not under pillow of the child

see also in school

10 Reasons Why Handheld Devices Should Be Banned for Children Under the Age of 12

1. Rapid brain growth Between 0 and 2 years, infant's brains triple in size, and continue in a state of rapid development to 21 years of age (Christakis 2011). Early brain development is determined by environmental stimuli, or lack thereof. Stimulation to a developing brain caused by overexposure to technologies (cell phones, internet, iPads, TV), has been shown to be associated with executive functioning and attention deficit, cognitive delays, impaired learning, increased impulsivity and decreased ability to self-regulate, e.g. tantrums (Small 2008, Pagini 2010).

2. Delayed Development Technology use restricts movement, which can result in delayed development. One in three children now enter school developmentally delayed, negatively impacting literacy and academic achievement (HELP EDI Maps 2013). Movement enhances attention and learning ability (Ratey 2008). Use of technology under the age of 12 years is detrimental to child development and learning (Rowan 2010).

3. Epidemic Obesity TV and video game use correlates with increased obesity (Tremblay 2005). Children who are allowed a device in their bedrooms have 30% increased incidence of obesity (Feng 2011). One in four Canadian, and one in three U.S. children are obese (Tremblay 2011). 30% of children with obesity will develop diabetes, and obese individuals are at higher risk for early stroke and heart attack, gravely shortening life expectancy (Center for Disease Control and Prevention 2010). Largely due to obesity, 21st century children may be the first generation many of whom will not outlive their parents (Professor Andrew Prentice, BBC News 2002).

4. Sleep Deprivation 60% of parents do not supervise their child's technology usage, and 75% of children are allowed technology in their bedrooms (Kaiser Foundation 2010). 75% of children aged 9 and 10 years are sleep deprived to the extent that their grades are detrimentally impacted (Boston College 2012).

5. Mental Illness Technology overuse is implicated as a causal factor in rising rates of child depression, anxiety, attachment disorder, attention deficit, autism, bipolar disorder, psychosis and problematic child behavior (Bristol University 2010, Mentzoni 2011, Shin 2011, Liberatore 2011, Robinson 2008). One in six Canadian children have a diagnosed mental illness, many of whom are on dangerous psychotropic medication (Waddell 2007).

6. Aggression Violent media content can cause child aggression (Anderson, 2007). Young children are increasingly exposed to rising incidence of physical and sexual violence in today's media. “Grand Theft Auto V” portrays explicit sex, murder, rape, torture and mutilation, as do many movies and TV shows. The U.S. has categorized media violence as a Public Health Risk due to causal impact on child aggression (Huesmann 2007). Media reports increased use of restraints and seclusion rooms with children who exhibit uncontrolled aggression.

7. Digital dementia High speed media content can contribute to attention deficit, as well as decreased concentration and memory, due to the brain pruning neuronal tracks to the frontal cortex (Christakis 2004, Small 2008). Children who can't pay attention can't learn.

8. Addictions As parents attach more and more to technology, they are detaching from their children. In the absence of parental attachment, detached children can attach to devices, which can result in addiction (Rowan 2010). One in 11 children aged 8-18 years are addicted to technology (Gentile 2009).

9. Radiation emission In May of 2011, the World Health Organization classified cell phones (and other wireless devices) as a category 2B risk (possible carcinogen) due to radiation emission (WHO 2011). James McNamee with Health Canada in October of 2011 issued a cautionary warning stating “Children are more sensitive to a variety of agents than adults as their brains and immune systems are still developing, so you can't say the risk would be equal for a small adult as for a child.” (Globe and Mail 2011). In December, 2013 Dr. Anthony Miller from the University of Toronto's School of Public Health recommend that based on new research, radio frequency exposure should be reclassified as a 2A (probable carcinogen), not a 2B (possible carcinogen). American Academy of Pediatrics requested review of EMF radiation emissions from technology devices, citing three reasons regarding impact on children (AAP 2013).

10. Unsustainable The ways in which children are raised and educated with technology are no longer sustainable (Rowan 2010). Children are our future, but there is no future for children who overuse technology. A team-based approach is necessary and urgent in order to reduce the use of technology by children. Please reference below slide shows on children need to know under “videos” to share with others who are concerned about technology overuse by children.

Cell phones

Prof. Marshall posted: Sun Jun 4th, 2017 However, the waves have a more profound effect on the human body than they do on a bacterial organism. All biology is in play when EM waves are present… even plants…

People with weakened immune systems are the ones that succumb to the “resistant” microbes. People on steroid immunosuppressants, hospital patients under chemotherapy, or recovering from an organ transplant. To those we can now add “people living near phone masts or with WiFi in their homes.” Which is you and me.

Bacteria, mobile phones and WiFi - are a deadly combination?

Prof. Marshall replies to question Tue Jul 21st, 2015 Deb, the best way to use a cell-phone is with an Airtube remote control. There are a variety available for cellphones. The airtube replaces a wire to your ear, and reduces the signal being conducted to your brain from the phone.

Below is a set available on Ebay (from China) for both iPhone and Android:

Anti Radiation Headset Earphone

Changes in the overall pattern of protein phosphorylation suggest that mobile phone radiation activates a variety of cellular signal transduction pathways, among them the hsp27/p38MAPK stress response pathway. Based on the known functions of hsp27, we put forward the hypothesis that mobile phone radiation-induced activation of hsp27 may (i) facilitate the development of brain cancer by inhibiting the cytochrome c/caspase-3 apoptotic pathway and (ii) cause an increase in blood-brain barrier permeability through stabilization of endothelial cell stress fibers. We postulate that these events, when occurring repeatedly over a long period of time, might become a health hazard because of the possible accumulation of brain tissue damage. Furthermore, our hypothesis suggests that other brain damaging factors may co-participate in mobile phone radiation-induced effects. Dariusz Leszczynski et al

Health advisory: Neurosurgeon's 14-month study featured in The Economic Times - Cellphones more dangerous than cigarettes

Penetrating Radiation, child compared to adult

particularly to children.

Wifi surrounds the modern child

DECT phones

Just get rid of your DECT phones. No 'ifs' or 'buts'. Get rid of your WiFi routers, and enable Aircraft mode on everything (like Kindles) that send out WiFi 'beacons' every so often. All of these sources essentially operate at full power whenever they transmit. Prof. Trevor Marshall May 2017

Edward's experience I was at a friend’s house that has WLAN and DECT phone and several people had their smartphones in operation. And suddenly I had a terrible time trying to swallow some water, it just would not go down.

Joyful confirms It appears from the reports we have gathered, that those with chronic illnesses are vulnerable to a number of distressing symptoms from high EMF environments including muscle spasms, loss of speech, cognitive disorganization, muscle weakness, migraine, headache, etc.

Wireless monitors

Microwave ovens

Prof. Marshall posted: Dec 13th, 2015 We were lucky, as our microwave blew up (smoke poured out) at about the same time I was measuring how badly it radiated EMF. So it was gone, and we had a reasonably easy decision not to replace it.

A week or two ago I came cross a review of a new toaster-oven from Panasonic, which uses Infra-Red in some clever way. Here is the article:

toaster-oven uses Infra-Red

We bought one, and have spent about a week with it. I was expecting something close to our old turbo-toaster-oven, but it is quite different. The really interesting thing is that when you reheat frozen foods, even frozen pizza, they come out moist, rather than dried-out. If you are interested in reheating quick frozen snacks, take a look at one of these. They get hot in use, and seem very flimsy (they only weigh 7lbs), but are Japanese design and it is really tough to fault, at the price (we bought a NB-G110PW delivered from Amazon for around $100).

I suggest you wear your NoIRsSpecial sunglasses worn by Marshall Protocol patients to block light. when looking into the oven, however, for obvious reasons.

Makes toasted cheese sandwiches in 2 minutes, heats a 9“ frozen pizza to loveliness in about 12 minutes, heats frozen vegetables in 4-5.

when one decides to have a nice cup of tea, the Japanese way is to go to your 'thermos' which keeps the water snug at 80C, and pour water into your cup over an elegant tea-holder (or maybe a teabag)

it makes excellent toast in 2 minutes, and warms up frozen rolls really nicely, but in 8 minutes or so.

Wireless routers

If your Internet connection is provided from a cable company, then you might be interested in this information.

Cable companies offer the ability to rent the equipment that converts the signal coming into your home (on a co-axial cable) to an Ethernet connection.

This converter is called a cable modem.

Often these converters have other features bundled in the same device. The device might have more than one Ethernet port, making them a router.

It might also provide a home WiFi network. And this is where the trouble begins.

Remember, the cable company is renting to you their equipment that is connected to their network. And that means they use their network to access the controls of that equipment and change the configuration without you knowing about it.

And some cable network operators have decided it would be a nice thing to use their equipment in your home to act as a WiFi hotspot (guest network) for people you don't know who happen to be near your home and are looking for a network connection.

The problem for someone who realizes that a WiFi router is essentially a mini-cell tower in their house is that they need to be able to make sure all wireless is turned off, including “guest” WiFi networks coming from their cable modem.

But cable companies are notorious for using their ability to control your cable modem to turn wireless back on without notification to the customer.

You can probably see why this is a problem.

But the good news is that cable customers are allowed to return the rented cable modem and replace it with one of their own that does not have WiFi capability.

Joyful adds

You might ask, “Can't I just put the router in a “Faraday bag” to reduce the power levels?”

And the answer is yes, but it won't get you to the place you want to be. It will reduce the power levels below the most noxious intensity, but it won't be enough.

Remember, the biology of living things use these frequencies and are sensitive to these frequencies down to -90 dBm power levels.

That is 10 to the -9 or one billionth the amount of power you might measure right next to that WiFi router when it's streaming data to a laptop/t.v./etc..

Dec. 2017The better solution takes a little bit of work, but will actually save you the cost of renting the cable company's equipment.

First you will want to buy your own wired-only cable modem.

When I did this, my first step was to search online to see what cable modems were “allowed” or “approved” by my cable company.

This is the one I bought:

ARRIS SURFboard DOCSIS 2 Link: http://a.co/4ooMZ13

It is modern enough to give me a decent data rate, but no wireless included.

The connections are very simple.

  1. Power input
  2. Cable (co-axial) input
  3. Ethernet output

Next, you will want to be able to connect to the Ethernet side for your wired Ethernet use. But you probably want more than one Ethernet wire.

In my case, I wanted lots of wires. Running up in the wall to the attic and then dropped down into the wall of each room and attached to a jack in a face plate on the wall. Like you may remember wired phone jacks looking like.

And I want to use shielded Ethernet cables to avoid creating radio noise from the Ethernet wires.

So these are the kinds of cables I purchased:

Cable Matters Cat6a Snagless Shielded (SSTP/SFTP) Ethernet Patch Cable Link: http://a.co/9IMwIBO

Cable Matters is a great company that has responded with a replacement cable when something went wrong (my fault). I really like them.

Of course, you only need a very short cable to patch from the cable modem to your Ethernet router, which I will write about next.

Before you expand your single Ethernet cable into multiple Ethernet connections, it is an essential security practice to put a network router between your cable modem and the computers on your home network.


Neither Windows nor Apple provides a secure firewall against viruses.

This is very important. But it can feel overly complicated, so be patient here.

Network routers as they arrive “out of the box” are always (really, always) configured without enough security in place. And some can't even be fixed to be secure enough.

This is well known.

Here's an article about it if you are interested:

  Your Router's Security Stinks: Here's How to Fix It - Tom's Guide

That article (above) might be hard to read, but it covers many of the most important points about home network security. (But don't follow it's advice to buy routers with WiFi or to use 5 GHz, etc.)

Now, for someone who doesn't want to go full geek and program your own secure router (most of us) there is a service that is probably worth paying a little extra here:

 FlashRouters (for simple home networks)

The advantages of paying a little more for this type of network router are:

  Increased Network Protection
  More Stable Firmware
  Full VPN Network Security
  Plug and Play Setup
  Enhanced Bandwidth Monitoring & Access Restrictions 

The disadvantage is that you pay about $100-$150 more for a preconfigured device. We will be looking for better options and will post about these as we work out the details.


Continuing with the home networking setup, you will now want to determine if you need more Ethernet connections than your network router provides.

If, say, you have the following devices:

  1 laptop computer
  1 iPhone
  1 desktop computer

Then you only need 3 Ethernet connections and likely your network router will have enough ports (connections) for your needs.

However, if you are like me and you want to add ethernet jacks in various rooms in your house, then you might need to add more ports.

Here are some of the Ethernet switches that I've used for this purpose:

TP-Link Ethernet Steel Desktop Switch (5 port) Link: http://a.co/dgyj0un

TP-Link Ethernet Steel Desktop Switch (8 port) Link: http://a.co/gfOhVcg

Because I wanted Ethernet outlets placed on the walls for convenience, I ran wires (through the attic), drilled holes in the tops of interior walls, and dropped shielded ethernet cables down to wall plates I installed in the wall (at the same height as regular electric outlets).

At the same time I ran telephone wiring to the same locations. Each wall plate has two keystone jacks.

This is the Ethernet jack I used:

Cable Matters (5 Pack) RJ45 Shielded Cat6 Keystone Jack In-Line Couplers in Silver Link: http://a.co/1wO0Ewe

These are the wall plates I used:

Cable Matters Keystone Jack Wall Plate in White Link: http://a.co/fmGUCH8

Ron Dec.2017

I picked up this CAT7 cable in Germany. High quality that is not available in my country.



Computer security might seem like too much work. But recently computer security experts have stated it takes only seconds for your computer to be broken into if you connect it directly to the internet. The scans on every network are constantly present.

Here's a way to check your computer to see if it is vulnerable to these port scans:

     Gibson Research Corp.'s Shields Up port-scanning service...

Wireless computers/laptops

TM Your best hope is to get a laptop with a physical 'Flight Mode' switch, like the Lenovo ThinkPads. Older models are perfectly adequate, not too much computer technology has advanced in the last few years. You can add an external keyboard and monitor and end up with less radiation than the average tower.

I have a quad-core CPU ThinkPad (T530 Sandy Bridge). It flies… We bought a number of T420 refurbished ThinkPads for Staff at one point. They are very quiet (EMF-quiet). Macs? I don't know about those models, I am afraid…

candide “With Mac OS X (I use 10.6 on a PowerBook) one can switch off WiFi and Bluetooth. This is likely a function of the operating system and should be possible with any Mac running OS X.”

David in UK posted: Fri Mar 18th, 2016 19:22 “Yes, that's right - WiFi and Bluetooth are switched off from the operating system. They have an icon that shows their status (e.g. switched off) and the OS retains the setting on reboot i.e. you don't have to keep switching them off, the system remembers.

As I have access to just about all the Apple range, I can comment on models.

The iMac power supply is very noisy and is situated just behind the display, as close to your head as the display. The Kaito radio picks up a lot of EMF at typical working distance. I got rid of mine as one of my first EMF-cleanup measures.

The Mac Mini is an improvement in that at least it can be kept further from the head. But the internal power supply is also quite noisy and it pushes some of the noise through the USB ports. The Kaito radio picks up a lot of noise from my external keyboard and mouse when connected to the Mac Mini by USB, even with ferrites.

My 2012 Macbook Air, on the other hand, is very quiet. Using all the various instruments I have, EMF is just about undetectable except close to the screen. And there's no hiss from the keyboard and mouse either when connected to USB. The power adapter doesn't seem to generate any significant dirty electricity.

One thing that did surprise my about the Macbook Air is that it is slightly noisier run from the battery (or with the battery charging) compared to run from the power supply with a full battery. But the levels are all very low compared to the iMac and Mac Mini.

The ThinkPad laptops from Lenovo are pretty well shielded Windows/Linux computers. You can pick a refurbished one up from Ebay under $300 with Windoze 7 or 10

Which one would I choose? I bought T420 for Liz, like this: http://www.ebay.com/itm/232510181787 and put Windoze 7 onto it.

Put a SSD (Solid State Drive) into that T420, a large external monitor on its VGA output, and a USB mouse, external USB keyboard, and you will have a pretty quiet, yet snappy, desktop computer.

ps: they have a physical on/off slider switch for their WiFi/Bluetooth, which makes it much harder for software to accidentally switch the EMF back on Trevor Marshall Oct. 2017

Mike covers computer with ? emf fabric

Six square meters of the #87 fabric arrived and it looks and feels identical to the premium fabric Aaronia uses for their canopies and is about half the price Aaronia charges for just the material. In my opinion this fabric is suitable to be used to cover monitors, laptop computers and keyboards, and as I am using the canopy at the moment for that purpose, I ordered more fabric for improved device shielding.

k asks “Mike, may I ask how you are using the laptop if it is outside the workstation?”

k, I use an auxiliary keyboard outside the workstation that I type on, which is possible as the canopy mesh is transparent. The Wacom pad also is outside and since the Wacom pen is magnetic that works fine through the canopy mesh as compared to the laptop touch pad which does not work through the fabric. I use a 27” monitor for the screen, and it is also outside the canopy, so I am also looking at it through the canopy mesh.

In other words, there are no cables or electronics inside the workstation, so really I surmise that the RF level is -90 dBm, it is just that I can't measure it with my current instruments.

PS I keep wondering what life would be like with living continuously in a safe, extremely low RF zone, and therefore I am contemplating renting a house in a place like Green Bank, WV. But I am not there yet.

for shielding LED monitor screens, the 87# fabric is not as nice as the material used in the Aaronia canopies

Mike's comments Mon May 7th, 2018

I had decided before I converted the back room into a Faraday cage that I had to find a solution to using my computer while inside the Faraday room without compromising the room’s shield performance. The monitor has been in service after solving the problem with optical artifacts resulting from using 2 copper screens layers for shielding (copper used because stainless steel has poor low frequency shield performance).

To shield against RF generated by the mouse, keyboard, and USB cables various lower cost solutions were tried, all of which for me failed, so I went with the expensive solutions. First, for the pointing device, I went with a trackball made by the company NATA Technologies. Here is the link: trackball NATA’s market for their devices is MRI support, where metal in computer devices in the MRI room is a problem. As you can see in the comparison chart, these devices, which are built one at a time once you place an order, are expensive. Nevertheless, I found no other working solution. Lead time was nearly 2 months, and this week I received the trackball which uses fiber optics, no metal in the cable, and no electronics or metal in the trackball itself. Bottom line is that it works and for me it is worth it. (There is a chance I might be able to get one of the earlier pointing devices to work, I might try it next week )

Next is shielding the keyboard and USB cable. As the NATA Tech product comparison chart shows, keyboards are truly beyond my budget. Therefore, I have worked out a way to put the keyboard with a 5 VDC battery powered fiberoptic USB interface into an aluminum foil and copper screened box. Typing is done through a fine mesh copper screen (I have tested typing through a stainless steel screen and typing works well, but stainless steel shielding is not adequate for lower frequencies found in a keyboard).

This is the copper screen on order: copper screen

Unfortunately, the low cost ($100) USB fiberoptic cables use an integral copper power cable in the fiber cable and this results in RF being carried into the Faraday room. That leaves the next level cost fiberoptic USB products ($1500). Again, this was not off the shelf, so it is on order with expected delivery in 2 or 3 weeks.

This is what I purchased: fiberoptic USB

Eventually, I plan to upgrade the two layer copper screen in front of the computer monitor from the lower visibility 0045” wire mesh to the near transparent .0012” copper wire mesh.

mvanwink5 Lorenzo, I use a 'Thunderbolt' cable to dock the Apple Pro laptop to a docking module. The module is located in a shielded box, included inside the shielded box is the external hard drives, cable modem, router, internet phone appliance, and associated bricks and power warts, as well as the power line filters. The monitor is connected to the docking module as is the external keyboard and pointing device.

mvanwink5 posted: Sun Mar 12th, 2017 One change I made this week that was beneficial was that I put a quart of water in the computer box. The idea was that there was nothing to absorb RF in the closed box and if I put water in the box the water would help absorb the RF, more than the dry wood frame. That was the idea. Super news is that there was a significant improvement in how I felt when working on the computer. This of course is subjective, but the change over the week is significant, so much so that I will likely move the box inside the workstation which will help with viewing the computer screen.

I used water as an absorber inside the computer box, but here are some other products: absorbers

Now that the monitor has been moved further away, the AM radio does not show a green light inside the workstation canopy except for the local 1000 watt AM radio station whose antenna is only 2 miles away.

I magnify the print on the monitor screen to be able to read on screen. It is not perfect, but the results of moving the monitor is one more breakthrough for me. Funny thing is that my mood has gone from sour to happy, but other IP had jumped up to the point that I have reintroduced daily coffee. :D:P:?:X

Lorenzo “I use a stylus touch pen for my macbook mouse pad. Waiting for more pens so I can scroll too without touching the pad. Touching the pad is causing inflammationThe complex biological response of vascular tissues to harmful stimuli such as pathogens or damaged cells. It is a protective attempt by the organism to remove the injurious stimuli as well as initiate the healing process for the tissue. in my head. I tried with usb mouse, but too much emf.”

Display Screens

The effect of electromagnetic radiation emitted by display screens on cell oxygen metabolism – in vitroA technique of performing a given procedure in a controlled environment outside of a living organism - usually a laboratory. studies. The findings indicate that exposure to electromagnetic radiation of 1 kHz frequency and 150 V/m and 220 V/m intensity may cause adverse effects within blood platelets’ oxygen metabolism and thus may lead to physiological dysfunction of the organism. 1)

Bluetooth speakers

Cell phones

You can leave your cellphones in Aircraft mode at home by using a VOIP wired-ethernet service with wired phone headsets, and redirecting your cell number to the VOIP number.

Or you can use a Google Voice account to a laptop or wired iPhone or Nexus. Google Voice will simultaneously call several lines (eg cell phone and VOIP phone) and select whichever answers…Prof. Trevor Marshall May 2017

Connection of an Android phone which does not have an Ethernet driver can be achieved via USB Networking using the Windows Connection Sharing facility in XP , 7 and 8.

First in Settings > Wirelss and Network > Tethering and Portable Hospot > enable USB tethering because we are going to set up a USB Reverse-Tether.

Set up windows connection sharing on your PC with IP at the default IP address (in XP it is ) then connect the phone to the PC by opening up a terminal window and typing:


netcfg usb0 dhcp

nslookup google.com

The nslookup just verifies that the android OS has connected to the Internet OK. If your USB connection is not usb0 you can find out by using ifconfig. Busybox contains programs you need. I actually set up the script in “SH Script Runner” to make it easy to run :)

If at this point your apps can't get to the Internet, set up your Xposed framework to install the module “Hack Connectivity Service” to allow the USB networking to masquerade as a WiFi connection. You will want to be using AF-Wall+, or some other app-level firewall, if you want to lock your mobile apps from getting at your local network files. If you don't know what any of that means, don't worry. But if you do understand it, this is the quickest and cheapest way of connecting a rooted android phone to the Internet. It is the way I connect my phone. Added advantage is that the phone charges over the USB connection </blockquote>

Research on mobile phone irradiation

Mobile phone emissions and human brain excitability 2)

EEG Changes Due to Experimentally Induced 3G Mobile Phone Radiation 3)

Effects of 2G and 3G mobile phones on human alpha rhythms: Resting EEG in adolescents, young adults, and the elderly

Mobile phone affects cerebral blood flow in humans 4)

Acute mobile phone operation affects neural function in humans 5)

The effect of mobile phone electromagnetic fields on the alpha rhythm of human electroencephalogram 6)

A meta-analysis for neurobehavioural effects due to electromagnetic field exposure emitted by GSM mobile phones 7)

To connect iPhone and iPad to wired ethernet:

… And don't forget to put the tablet into Flight Mode


ipad https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nKp02y4JXVs

Android tablet (Nexus 7, first edition) using the BobJgear wired internet adapter. using the BobJgear

on the Nexus 7: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tvu33kshlSY

(I got the Nexus 7 for $66 on YouTube, it runs my Skype, Gmail, Google Voice, etc). When I plug in the Nexus 7 (OS ver 4.1.2) the “No Internet Connection” text at the bottom of the pulldown status pane changes to “Ethernet” when I plug in the OTG+adapters+ethernet

The full list of android tablets which work is given here:

android tablets

and the information on how to do it is here: how to


Prof. Marshall replies Some phones will connect. You will need to forward the normal 2G/3G phone calls to a VOIP number. Some carriers already have WiFi backup, and these are easier to convert to ethernet.

I use Google Voice, where an app running either on my Galaxy Note 1 phone or Nexus 7 Tablet receives phone calls coming into my Google Voice number. In my case, I bought a second hand Nexus 7 for about $60 just for running Skype and Hangouts video calls… It also runs an old copy of the GrooveIP app which supports the Google Voice phone connection.

In general, phones which support USB-OTG and have Android Jellybean or more recent, might work with ethernet. You will need to Google each specific model to see if others have found them compatible.

There is an Xposed App, and iOS apps, to fake a WiFi connection if software gets upset:

to fake a WiFi connection

Rooted phones work with Reverse Tethering. Info here:

Reverse Tethering

TM Posted: Sat Nov 7th, 2015 There is a new video out showing how to connect an iPhone or iPad to wired Ethernet rather than WiFi:



ps: There is a list of similarly compatible Android tablets here: Android tablets

I actually like this video for it's simplicity in demonstrating the above setup:


Josh (Australia) Posted: Thu Nov 19th, 2015

Prof Trevor Marshall wrote: “Wow, that's a lot of current. My android-compatible dongle in the Nexus 7 only draws 35ma, which is probably why the hub is only required for the Apple devices.” To be precise, that's how much current it claims to need. It may well draw considerably less in reality. But the host has no way of knowing that, so it can only go “Sorry, can't use this device” if the device claims to need more power than can be provided.

Joyful wrote: “Wow. And it doesn't even charge the phone while connected in this configuration.” Power can only flow in one direction with USB unfortunately, from the host to the attached device(s).

“Internet browser Safari works. Email works. Text messaging does not work on iPhone, but does work on iPad. Can't update iPhone apps or backup iPhone without a WiFi connection (and must be plugged into power). stupid” Interesting, I find that iMessage works. SMS does not of course. App Store also seems to work OK including updates. It may tell you that you need to turn on mobile data, but that isn't true (much like the “Cannot use device” alert when you connect the ethernet adaptor.)

Joyful Posted: Fri Dec 18th, 2015 I'm puzzling over the best way to still be able to text/talk when on the wired connection described .

iPhone or iPad to → Apple.camera.lightning.to.USB.flat.connector →USB.box.shaped.connector →Amazon.Basics.powered.USB.hub →Apple.USB.flat.connector.to.Ethernet →Home.Ethernet.to.Internet.router

I'm looking at applications to allow text and talk via the wired connection.

Anyone tried the application “Signal”? (by Open Whisper Systems)

It's a private messaging system via either Android or iOS or desktop applications.

See this article for a little more about it: Signal

The main hurdle to overcome is getting all my important contacts onboard with using it instead of the regular SMS on their phone when contacting me.

Ron Replied : Fri Dec 18th, 2015 The information on that link seems outdated. We tried Signal on our son's iPhone 4 but it required iOS 8 or later. Otherwise Signal seems the best with respect to security and privacy.

Have you looked at Telegram? It offers several desktop clients which seems a great advantage.

Joyful Posted: Aug 2nd, 2016

I'm inviting our members to join the conversation on my new topic (on our SchwannSongs.org site) about BUILDING A WIRED ETHERNET TO IPAD/IPHONE BOX .

I'm looking for feedback on parts to use, design of box, etc.

If you need help getting on the other site, contact our Admin Staff

Posted: Tue Jun 13th, 2017

The new Apple adapter works with this inexpensive Cable Matters adapter!

$9.99 US Cable Matters 202023 USB 2.0 to 10/100 Fast Ethernet Network Adapter (Black) Link: Ethernet Network Adapter

$38.00 US Apple MK0W2AM/A Lightning To USB Camera Adapter Link: Camera Adapter

The important point is that you DON'T have to have a lightning power adapter plugged in for the Ethernet to work. This means you can use a light weight 20' Ethernet cable and have a lot of freedom of movement with this setup.

$10.47 US Monoprice SlimRun Cat6 UTP Ethernet Patch Cable, 20ft Link: Ethernet Patch Cable, 20ft

I think this is better than using the Apple USB-to-Ethernet you WILL have to keep a lightning charging cable plugged in. And the Cable Matters adapter is $19 lower in price.

$29.00 US (for comparision, not the recommended adapter) Apple USB Ethernet Adapter (MC704LL/A) Link: Adapter

Prof. Marshall Tue May 2nd, 2017 here is a 'new' method ('new' to me, anyway) to connect iPhone and iPad to wired ethernet: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oBKs2tPggVI

Wireless keyboard/mouse

Dirty electricity


routers from Asus

the Asus RT-N12 N300 Black Diamond: RT-N12 N300 You can unscrew the antennas very easily.

Unfortunately I seem to have bungled the setup (of the regular firmware, I haven't gotten to tomato yet) of mine. When I get the time, I will reset it and try again with my attenuators.

Thanks - looks like there is just one version with the non-removable antennae. It's not a problem for me at the moment but worth other members knowing. The models to be careful of have an E at the end of the number - RT-N12E.
For other members looking to buy one of these routers:

The Asus N300 RT-N12 D1 has detachable antennae. RT-N12 D1

The Asus N300 RT-N12 B1 has detachable antennae. RT-N12 B1

The Asus N300 RT-N12E has fixed antennae. RT-N12E

The Asus N300 RT-N12 RT-N12 is a different model and has detachable antennae, but no on/off switch, and a much more fiddly setup.

Your modem irradiates the whole house, until you ...

learn how to use your supplier's website to disable wifi

To disconnect the wifi

this video demonstrates measuring the intensity of radiation from the operator's modem and how to disable the wifi streaming from the operator's supplier

Dangers of WiFi - How To Remediate Modem Radiation


From youtube videos the Tomato and dd-wrt firmwares allow one to go as low as 1mW (I've seen defaults of 28mW and 70mW). So that would improve the situation by somewhere between 10 and 20 dBm.

You can fit attenuators in series with the antennas, it depends on the fittings. Do the antennas on their router have an SMA plug like the ED85EXS - be careful, as there are “reverse polarity SMA” in which the male has a pin, opposite to what is on your ED85EXS, which is a proper SMA. You can buy proper SMA attenuators, and indeed, adaptors between proper SMA and reverse polarity sockets on Ebay.

These 30dB attenuators would do a decent job: Stainless steel Coaxial Attenuator DC-6GHz 30dB

You can cascade two to get 60dB, although there will be leakage from the router electronics which would affect the accuracy at such high attenuations.

Routers typically will not blow up if you remove the antennas. But there is always the possibility you will hit a bad design…

This is a high-performance router: RT-N16 Wireless-N 300 Fast Gigabit Ethernet

With the antennae screwed off, and set to 1mW power (1%) with TomatoUSB firmware it still radiates a good signal about 10 feet. But the signal is weak enough to not do damage until you get within 2-3 ft or so.

This router is much cheaper: 3-In-1 Wireless Router RT-N12

and here are instructions on how to Tomato it: Installing on Asus Routers

or: how to Flash TomatoUSB on Asus RT-N12 B1/C1 Wireless N Router

At your computer

Switching on the computer

During the few moments the laptop is in startup, the RF hits the roof.

The connections


shielded cables

The way to connect computers with minimal EMF generation is by using networking cable, “Shielded Cat-5E or Cat-6” wire is preferred, to switches, routers or hubs with metal sockets capable of working with the shielded cables. TM Oct 10th, 2014

Cat5e Shielded Network Cable, 30 Meters

would be effective, and among the least expensive options from Amazon UK. You can get better double-shielded cables, but IMO, they don't offer measurable improvement in actual use.

These are the switches I use when I want a “double-adapter” at one or other end of the cable. Actually, it is a quintuple-adapter, but why split hairs :) Notice the metal contact strip around the sockets to mate with the metal shielding clip on the cable.

5-Port Gigabit Unmanaged Ethernet Switch

Prof. Trevor Marshall

Ethernet and USB cables

Use ferrite cores on Ethernet and USB cables. Anything linking noisy equipment. They isolate the high frequency components so they don't travel along the cable.

USB dongles can sometimes be quite noisy.

Along with enough Stetzerizers, and the use of a GS meter to identify noisy appliances, power systems can be made quite clean this way. Prof Trevor Marshall 2016

Running a wire (a USB cord, for example) through a ferrite 3 or 4 times increases its impedance at lower RF frequencies (say 1-10MHz) by 10 times. But the ferrite has little effect by the time we hit the microwave frequencies.

1. At low frequencies - discard noisy equipment and power supplies

2. Use stetzerisers for 2KHz to 100KHz noise

3. Use ferrite beads for 1MHz to 100MHz (where many LED lamps radiate)

4. Use shielding against microwaves. Prof Trevor Marshall 2016

a link to a pdf on how to best eliminate rf interference with ferrite chokes. There are some nice graphs.

http://audiosystemsgroup.com/SAC0305Ferrites.pdf lorenzo 2016

Patient discussion

Rico Aug. 2017

Ok, so it's not clear to me if the new ethernet to lightning adapter works on an iPad Mini or not?


Is a powered USB hub still required? Or will the lightning/ethernet adapter only work on an iPhone?


I did not purchase the one you linked to.

The one I am using with my iPad mini (also works with iPhones) does NOT require a powered USB hub and allows you to use the adapter with or without a lightning power cord attached:

  $38.00 US
  Apple MK0W2AM/A Lightning To USB Camera Adapter  
  Link: http://a.co/dpUBPeM

This inexpensive Cable Matters adapter goes from your ethernet cable to the (above) camera adaptor:

  $9.99 US
  Cable Matters USB 2.0 to 10/100 Fast Ethernet Adapter in White
  Link: http://a.co/0FnW4KU

I am using a light weight 20' Ethernet cable (many color choices) that gives me a lot of freedom of movement when I don't have the power cord attached:

  $10.99 US
  Monoprice SlimRun Cat6 28AWG UTP Ethernet Network Cable, 20ft White - (113555) 
  Link: http://a.co/3MM6G3M


And some more!


becoming commodity soon:



currently I have ethernet cable connected to an Apple ethernet-USB adapter:


It connects to a power USB hub which, in turn, connects to a 30-pin apple adapter (for our iPad 2). For the Mini, the 30-pin adapter connects to a 30-pin/lightning adapter. Both work and both are Apple products.

However, over the last week, I can no longer connect to the internet from my Mini. The iPad 2 still works. So it's either the 30-pin/lightning adapter or the Mini that no longer work. Ugh!

So, with your solution, I would just have to replace the USB power hub with the Apple MK0W2AM/A Lightning To USB Camera Adapter and plug it straight into the Mini?


BUT, notice I also replaced the Apple Ethernet to USB adapter. I did this because the Apple Ethernet adapter requires the power to be plugged in. The Cable Matters Ethernet adapter does not.


Works perfectly with Ipad Air… while blinking like crazy. And no warning messages from iOS. Thanks to Joyful I've successfully “reanimated” my ipad.

works perfectly with 10.0.1 and 10.3.3 As for shipment I've used mail forwarding service(shopotam) - maybe shipito will work

Another reason to go wired: https://www.krackattacks.com/ Ron Dec. 2017 prices are coming down too…



Shielding beads

A good bead (but expensive) is made by TDK (Japan) part# ZCAT2035-0930

One of the cheapest places to buy the Chinese version of these beads is on Amazon: Ferrite Ring Core Black for 9mm Diameter Cable Get at least 20, they start disappearing rather quickly as you track down the EMF offenders…

Don't bother with the smaller diameter beads, if your cable is thin (like some USB cables), then put it through the bead twice (two turn coil).

If you put them on power cables and cords right next to the noisy adapter they will absorb a lot of the higher frequency component of the EMF. But they will not make a bad power adapter good, as they have little effect below 10MHz (or so). See data sheet performance curves on page 7 of this: ZCAT-A type ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS

You should also put them near the end connectors of video cables (especially HDMI) and USB cables.

TM Sep 24th, 2014

Guard your home against external emf

An AM radio station at 1.1 MHz 2 miles away operates at 1 Kw power, compare that to a cell phone station at 1GHz at much lower power (power level?), but combined effectiveness, for those who are sensitive, both are important.

PS some FM stations operate at 50 KW and are about 100 MHz. Powerful, if you are near a station.

Electric circuits

Electronic devices

Resources for understanding the EMF effects of common household devices:

Magnetic Fields in the Environment: (Gauger 1985)

Source (in milligauss) @ 1.2“ away @ 12” away @ 39“ away
Microwave Oven up to 2,000 up to 80 up to 8
Clothes Washer up to 400 up to 30 up to 2
Electric Range up to 2,000 up to 40 up to 1
Fluorescent Lamp up to 4,000 up to 20 up to 3
Hair Dryer up to 20,000 up to 70 up to 3
Television up to 500 up to 20 up to 2
Source (in milligauss) where measured in milligaus
Power Distribution Lines under the line up to 80
Power Transmision Lines edge of right of way up to 300


Replacing switching transformers

Task Lighting

I just purchased some small LED lamps to illuminate our milling machine, and was surprised to find they didn't send the Sniffer ticking away angrily.

I pulled them apart to verify that in fact there are no electronics, just a capacitor to drop the voltage and a simple rectifier to feed the 20 LEDs.

So, if you are looking to throw some light on the subject, any subject, take a look at this: 20 LED work light

or a smaller one, with half the number of lamps: 10 LED lamp

You will need to find something metal to clip the magnet too, or alternatively tape them into place with some duct tape

Professor Marshall Jan 19th, 2017

Joyful Nov.2017 neat little lamp is analog and RF-quiet.

d.light S2 LED Task Light, Rechargeable Solar Lantern by d.light $11.57 Link: http://a.co/0xmGkfk

I've been using these lights for years now and they work great.

Television update 2018

current recommendation August 30th, 2018

It connects between an HDMI non-smart TV screen, like this one from BestBuy:


and the ethernet cable from your Internet router or Cable modem box (the same Internet going to your computer).

It uses an Infrared remote control (many of its competitors use WiFi remotes, you don't want these) and you can plug in a USB mouse and keyboard to make data entry easier, if you like. Operating system is Android 7.1, just like an Android Phone.

Problem is, it does have WiFi internally, but you can switch that off easily. From the boot-up screen navigate the arrows to “settings” (top right) then hit OK. Then navigate to “Network Options,” hit OK, and then you will see a WiFI on/off switch. Click it so the blue disappears - WiFi is now disabled. If you have plugged the box into the Internet you will see “Ethernet Connected” underneath the WiFi options in that same menu.

At that point you are good to go… You now have an 'extra-smart' TV system :) Log into a Google account so you can use Google Play to install Hulu (it comes with only Netflix, I prefer Hulu). Or you can use the YouTube app to get video, or you can even plug in a USB hard drive with your own favorite shows and music on it… (it also has Kodi pre-installed).

There are lots of YouTube videos showing how to set up Android apps, etc, here is one https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ezvldnxcayo

and another: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZBXKcasJblY

An Internet TV box without WiFi or Bluetooth March 2015

from Link

The thing that we have missed most in my household is the ROKU box. Sure, Liz and I watch TV on our computers, but we miss the shared experience of watching things together on the big (32”) screen in our living room. ROKU puts out WiFi at both 2.4GHz and 5GHz, our Sony GoogleTV also insists on running its WiFi continuously, and of course our Chromecast was retired long ago.

this text with illustration (visible to logged in members only) is at the MP Study Site Internet TV box without WiFi or Bluetooth

It is 2“ x 2” by 2“ and runs off 5Volts, 2 Amps. There are cheaper models than the PRO version which I am using, but they are all sold out at the moment :X

It is also possible to use an assortment of other cheaper single-board-computers (I am working on getting a 'banana pro' running as a backup). They all have the advantage that they are designed for NO WIFI and NO BLUETOOTH, they will run off wired-ethernet without any wireless features being enabled :)

But what software do you use? The ROKU software is so nice :X … Well, I chose the CuBox because it runs Android KitKat, just like a phone, and the Netflix and Hulu (and Amazon) apps all run just fine on the big screen!

It came with Android 4.4.2 on the SD card supplied by NewEgg, but that version wasn't rooted, and so I downloaded the more up-to-date version with 4.4.4 already rooted

This review gives a flavor of what to expect (the android part starts half-way down the page). I found the following apps were the basis of my system:

Xposed Xprivacy Adaptive Rotation Lock (stops some apps from trying to display sideways on your screen) Quick Boot (there is no power button on this computer) Netflix Hulu YouTube Amazon Instant Video UK-IPTV (indexes a worldwide assortment of Live TV broadcasting) Titanium Backup (I always have it on every one of my Android systems) Root Explorer (ditto) MX Player Pro with Dolby add-on – this plays every video file you throw at it

Oh - did I mention that the 4.4.4 distribution already has ad-blocking built into its HOSTS file? You don't have to worry about ads with this software distribution :)

There are two USB inputs. One goes to a two-way splitter into which is plugged my Keyboard (a full keyboard) and Optical Mouse. You control the system with the mouse (since most TV's don't have a touch screen :) ), it is easy enough…

I connected a 1TB hard disk to the other USB socket. It is self-powered by 5V (coming from a second regulator on the transformer, in my case, as the USB sockets can drive a keyboard and mouse, but don't have enough power for a hard-disk. MX Player Pro can play any video on the drive. I prefer to select the videos with Root Explorer, but you will probably just index them as 'media' and select them with the MX Player interface. Of course you can just plug a USB stick, or an SD card with USB adapter, into this second socket.

That's it! Internet TV with no waves being generated…


ps: I myself used two of these tiny switching regulators, set for 5.0V, and a 15V 1A transformer plugpack, to power the whole caboodle (one for the hard drive, one for the computer).

pps: I formated the 1TB hard drive with exFAT in a Windoze computer. This was completely compatible with the Android software. FAT32 works as well, but then you have the 4GB video filesize limit.

Trevor Marshall

I see the lower cost computer without WiFi or Bluetooth is again available from NewEgg:

SolidRun CuBoxTV Quad Core 1ghz XMBC Media Center

Trevor Marshall, April 2015

Update Link


From: mvanwink5 Date: 2016-05-06 04:38:16 Reply: https://marshallprotocol.com/reply.php?topic_id=16583

Says it is good for CRT screens, does that mean LED monitors at 1 MHz??? I won't have to move my 27” monitor back to avoid RF in the AM band? I know the 87# fabric is not effective, this material is? (fingers crossed)….:shock:

From: Prof Trevor Marshall Date: 2016-05-06 04:47:01 Reply: https://marshallprotocol.com/reply.php?topic_id=16583

Mike, in front of my monitor the primary issue is moire. Visibility is good. I need to play a bit more with moire angles.

Physically, you would want to use a physical Faraday cage around the monitor with just a power and a video lead coming out, loaded inside and outside with ferrites.

- Trevor Marshall

Safe use of tablets

Connecting an iPAD or Nexus 7 to the Internet

Here is a video showing how the iPAD can be connected:

Internet on ipad using ethernet cable - in flightmode and wifi off

I connected my Android tablet (Nexus 7, first edition) using the BobJgear wired internet adapter. A video is here:

BobjGear Ethernet Adapter for Android with Galaxy Note Pro 12.2

and on the Nexus 7: android nexus7 + usb to ethernet (rj45)

(I got the Nexus 7 for $66 on YouTube, it runs my Skype, Gmail, Google Voice, etc). When I plug in the Nexus 7 (OS ver 4.1.2) the “No Internet Connection” text at the bottom of the pulldown status pane changes to “Ethernet” when I plug in the OTG+adapters+ethernet

The full list of android tablets which work is given here:

Which Devices Support the BobjGear® Android Ethernet Adapter?

and the information on how to do it is here:

BobjGear® USB to RJ45 Compact Fast Ethernet Adapters for Ethernet Enabled Android Tablets

Notes and comments

content reqd

bluetooth speakers

wireless monitors

“ keyboard/mouse

dirty eletricity


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